C.10 (part two)

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||Kayla Phillips||

I walked over to August and sat back down. He tapped on me.

"Yeah?" I asked

He opened his mouth, trying to say something but no words came out. He acted as if he was writing and pointed somewhere. I went and got him some paper and a pen. 'I love you.' He handed me the paper. I looked at him, he was crying. I pressed a button for a nurse to come in. "Yes?" She asked.

"Can y'al bring him some water? I think he's trying to talk." I said calmly

"Yes, but you do realize he's not going to be able to talk like he normally would." She walked out.

"Dumb ass bitch." I mumbled. She came back in and gave him the water. "Baybeh.." I heard him whisper. I ignored him.



"Kayla!!" He tried to raise his voice.

"What August?" I calmly asked

"Come hea'." He patted the bed for me to sit.

I went and stood in front of him. "What?" I asked

"You still mad at me?" He asked

I shrugged.

"Kayla. Fa'real. I'm sorry."

"Fuck your sorry ass, August. You always apologize to me and always do dumb shit again."

"Kayla I'm really sorry."

"You are not sorry. The only reason you saying you sorry is cause you don't want me to leave your sorry ass." I told him.

"You don't mean none of that shit."

"I do. You basically chose drugs over me and the kids. But you know... I'm glad you told me the truth while you was high and drunk. Danielle's son is yours? That's good. It took for you to be shitty mad at me for you to tell me you contacted her and that's your son. I always thought when you had got calls it was from family or something like you had said, or you had to meet up with someone at the studio but I'm sure you was going over her new house down here, while you left me at home all alone with the kids. Is that why everytime we got done fucking you left? You went to her house.. You probably been fucking her." I said

He didn't say anything. He just laid there speechless

"I'll go get everybody else so they can come see you. Me and my kids will just leave since we are no longer important in, or to this family." I walked out.

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