C.6 (part three)

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||August Alsina||

I went downstairs to see Danielle and Keelen. "What I tell y'al about opening my door?" I asked the kids. "Whea's Anthony at?" I asked

"He in his room." Antonio said. I nodded. "Na' what you need?" I asked Danielle.

"You don't want to spend time with your son?" She asked me.

"I'm not sure that is my son."

"He is. Here's a test." She handed me a packet. "I'm not lying about any of it... I had your manager, and your brother Travis go with me to get the test done... I used the DNA you had on a staw you had used." She smiled.

Why the hell wouldn't they call me? I got my phone out and dialed Travis's number admiring Keelen and how much he looked like me.

"Yeah?" He answered the phone.

"You know Danielle?"


"You went with ha' to get a DNA test done?"

"Yeah... Oh yeah. That little boys yo son fam. I seen the test too. Says you da pappy." He laughed

"Hm." I hung up and looked at Danielle and Keelen both. She's a very, very, VERY beautiful woman, and I'm a handsome man, so I would see where he got his looks from.

"Do you believe me?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Okay now let's redo this. August, your son Keelen. Keelen, your father August." She introduced us again

"Sup?" We said at the same time. I chuckled. "How you d-"

"August, I- oh ... Hello, who are y'all?" Kayla came down to the bottom of the stairs with the plate that Ayla dropped upstairs.

"Hey. I'm Danielle. August's c-"

"Hold up!" I cut in. Awardly smiling. Maybe Kayla won't really care considering she's not her normal self. "Never mind..." I told Danielle

"Anywhoo. I'm August's child's mother, and this is our son. Who are you?"

Kayla smirked and then full out smiled. "Really?!" She said

"Yeah!" Danielle smiled

"Well bitch you fuckin' thought. Y'all not about to keep trapping my husband. Y'all ole' dusty Bob the builder built bitches. I'M back now and I'm not letting this shit go on any longer." Kayla sat the plate down and placed her hands on her hip.

||Kayla Phillips||

I'm back to feeling normal again, and this bitch got me bent and fucked all the way up if she's about to come over with this shit.

She just looked at me with a sly smirk. "Listen babygirl. Its been done. Test right here." She walked over to August and took a paper out of his hand and handed it to me. "This is our child. No joke. His manager and brother was there with me during the time." She smiled and rubbed my cheek. "Awe... Don't cry. When did you get pregnant?" She cooed. I looked over at August who had is arms crossed and he was picking at his chin hair. He didn't seem to care about it. "So it is true huh? How old is he August?" I asked

"Same age as Anthony." He said

"Okay..." I said putting down the paper and going upstairs to grab a few things. As I finished grabbing a bag and turned to walk out I seen a tall light skinned boy that looked like me. "Ma." He smiled

"Who are you?" I asked confused. "No... Hold up. Anthony?" I said in excitement

He nodded. I ran over to him and hugged him tight. "I've missed you baby boy." I kissed his head "and look at you. Just almost as tall as me. You're ei-... Niiiin-." I was guessing waiting for him to answer me.

"I'll be nine in three months." He said

"Oh my! I'm sorry I don't remember baby. I'm just.. You know, anyways. Your voice is getting deep already too!"

He chuckled. "Yeah I kno..."

"Well I'll see you tomorrow. I need to clear my head."

"Can I go?"

"You sure can... Go grab you an over night bag." I told him as he went off and did so.

"Whea' you goin?" August asked me

"I'm staying in a motel to go clear my head... I'll be back. Don't worry, oh and Anthony is coming with me."

"No he's not." He folded his arms.

"Yes he is and I'm not about to sit up her and have this argument with you August. Get out of my damn way.  Go play house with other son, and baby's momma." I tried to walk past him but he stood in the way. I looked up at him to find he was staring down at me. "Anthony's not going anywhea'."

I laughed. "You're funny.  Now fucking move." I shoved past him and went to find Anthony's room.  He wasn't in Amy of the rooms so I went downstairs to see him standing by the door with his bag packed.

"Mama! Mama!" I heard a little voice and little feet behind me. I turned around to see one of the triplets. "Belly big." He pointed. I smiled. "Anthony help me out here." I whispered

"It's Antonio, the oldest." He laughed

"Hey baby." I picked him up. He started touching my stomach. "Baby?" He asked

I sighed, but then nodded. "Sadly." I mumbled "But mommy will see you guys later and we will have some fun, okay?" I smiled tickling him.

"Yessss! Okay! Okay!" He laughed
As I was putting him down the keys were snatched out of my hand. "August quit dammit!" I threw a little fit.

"Anthony go put yo shit up na'..."

"I'm goi-"

"What tha fuck I just say?" He blurted. Anthony yanked his bag up and stomped up the stairs. When he got to the very top, August handed me the keys and told me to go on.. So I did.

This chapter wasn't all that, but man...  There is BARLEY people still fw my book. Fuck it & them.


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°sorry for mistakes°

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