C.9 (part one)

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Kin'Ni in MM.

One month later..

||August Alsina||

"August. Go get some lettuce, and salad dressing." Kayla said

"What kind?" I asked

"Ranch, French, Italian, and Vinaigrette, anything you thing you think I'd like." She said. "Daddy. Can I go with you?" Ayla asked

"Me too!" The rest of them asked. I shook my head no and they immediately started crying. Kayla started laughing. "You have no choice Mr. Alsina." She smiled.

I grabbed an empty basket that was by us. "Man, come on." I shook my head laughing. They sure know how to get their way with me.

"Daddy! Can we get some chips and candy?" Antoine asked

"Nah, luh man. Y'all don't need to keep eating all'lat unhealthy shit, ya digg?" I told him, and him reacting by mugging me. I walked down the aisle with all of the kids talking each others heads off. The only one that was quiet was Kin'Ni.

"Aye." I looked down at him. He was walking close to me and he had his finger in his mouth. He didn't seem to hear me.

"Lil man." I said. Still no answer.

"Kin'Ni Alsina." I called. He looked up at me.

"Why you not talkin ta ya brothas an sista?" I asked. He humped up his shoulder. I stopped the basket and bent down to his level. "Hey!" Ayla and then whined. "Eh. Shut up."

"What's wrong luh man?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Why you not talkin?" He shrugged. I shook my head. I haven't heard him say a word since the first day I met him last month. "Well look, get ya hands out ya mouth that's nasty, an get in the basket with ya brothas an sis." I lifted him up and made Amts big ass get out the basket. "Na' y'al talk ta ya luh' brotha."

"We tried. He won't talk to us." Antonio said.

"Yeah.." Ant added.

"He's being weird." Ayla said.

"Ayla. Shut tha hell up." Ant said. I smacked him in his head. "Ouch!" He looked at me hatefully.

"Boy. What I tell you bout ya mouth? Huh?! An Ayla. Say it again an ima whoop ya luh ass. Y'all unda'stand me?" I asked. They nodded.

"YUNG!" I heard somebody say from behind me. I turned around. "Dathan?" I asked

"Yeah, that's me boi. How you been?" He came and shook my head.

I laughed. "I don't know how I can really answer that. But right na' I been pretty good."

"That's what's up.. I heard in the news about Kayla going missing, then they found her. Is she good, and are y'all still together?"

"Yeah. In all after highschool it's been hell. We d-"

"August what the hells tak-... Dathan?" Kayla came up.

"Yes baby, it's Dathan." I laughed

"I haven't seen you since highschool! How've you been?" She asked

"Good. I'm married, and I'm a music producer. Couldn't be any happier." He smiled.

"Awe! I'm so happy for you!" She hugged him.

"Thanks. So who are these good looking kids?" He asked

"Anthony. He's the olderst. Antonio, the oldest out of the trips. Then Ayla's the second oldest, and only girl. Then Antoine he's the youngest triplet, and this little ones Kin'Ni." Kayla picked him up. "What's wrong baby?" She adked him. He shook his head as he continued to suck on his fingers.

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