C.11 (part three)

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||August Alsina||

I put the condom on and was about to slide into Kayla before she put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me back. "What?" I asked her

"August, I can't. I know when me and you wasn't together in the past and I hated you, but loved you too and I could have sex and do stuff with you without wanting more, or wanting to be with you, but this is different. We're older, we're married, and if I do this, this is going to make me want to stay with you, and I know you want that.. That's why you're doing all of this. But i'm going." She said. I moved from on top of her and laid beside her and pulled the cover over me. "I still love you, August.. We just need time apart. You and I both can see this isn't working." She got off the bed and put her clothes back on.

"So you just gon' up an leave me huh?" I chuckled.

She didn't say anything. She just headed towards the door and looked back at me before walking out and closing the door behind her.

||Kayla Phillips||

"FUCK!" I heard August yell and glass shatter after I closes the door causing me to jump. I went to the kids room to see Anthony wasn't in there. I walked downstairs and seen his talking to some man. I didn't know who it was, I could on see the back of his head. He had dark brown curly hair.

"Oh.. Uhm, mom. Is this your brother?" Anthony asked.

The man stood up. "No." I said and he turned around. "Kayla?!" He smiled.

"Don't 'kayla' me. I don't know you, I've never saw you in my life. Get out."

"Yes, well no. You've saw me, when you was a baby but you just don't know me because I was sent to foster care a year after I was born." He said

"Boy! You don't make sense."

"Can we please talk?" He asked

"I have to go pick up my kids presents, and cake." I walked towards the door. "You sit right there. Don't touch none of my shit. Don't move, wait until I get back.. Anthony, if he tries something call your father." I told him. "What's your name?" I asked him

"Robert Phillips." He stuck his hand out. I looked at his and finally decided to shake it. I then walked out and headed to pick up everything I needed and already purchased.

When I got back to the house the man who clams to be my brother was still sitting on the couch. "Wheres the triplets?" I asked

"Upstairs still." Anthony answered.

"You got triplets?" Robert asked me. Yes. Now can you two come out and help me bring this stuff in please?" I said walking back out the door. After we brought everything else and put it where it should be me and Robert sat in what I call my office and we began talking.

"So what makes you claim go be my brother? Me being married to August Alsina? You need money or something from me?" I asked

"First of all you can cut that shit out. I have my own money, Kayla. I claim to be your brother because I am. Our mother Angeela Phillips. Maiden name Angeela Malone, was pregnant with ms while our father was away for almost a year.. She never told him she was pregnant. When he came back she told him I was her nephew and that she was just watching me for her sister."

"Okay, all of this happened when you was one and you remember it? Pshh. Y'all mf's ain't fooling me sweetie." I held my stomach due to the intensifying pain I just felt.

"You okay?" Robert asked me. I nodded. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Kayla. I don't remember shit personally from when I was one years old. Our Aunt and Uncle told me. I had been trying to contact you for the longest now, and I finally got to. Here look at this." He grabbed something from his pocket. A picture.
"Here is me when I was five playing with you when you was two." He added. Looks exactly like me. Me when I was younger, it looks just like I have.

"I have this picture... I just never knew who this boy was. You do look like dad a little too, and Anthony.. Kind of looks like you in this picture."

He chuckled. "That's what I was saying."

"Now which Aunt and Uncle? Mom always said that all of her family turned on her."

"Aunt Christina, and Uncle John."

"Oh.. I don't remember them."

"Who's this muhfucka?" I heard August.

"I think it's my brother."

"What tha' fuck? Look dude." August buttoned up his shirt and walked fully down the steps. "Who tha fuck is you?"

"August, cut that shit out. I really think this is my brother. Look at this, baby." I showed him the picture of Roberts.

"Yeah, Ant and some little girl that looks like you? I've seen that picture a million and one times."

"Baby, that's me and him! Anthony, come here." I said and he came jogging.

"Yeah?" He asked. He stood beside Robert and I saw a resemblance. They have the same nose, and their eyes look alike. Not to mention they make the same facial expressions.

"This.... some
.... freaky... ass, shit." August said slowly pausing between words.

"Yeahhhh." I agreed.

"Yeah.. Baby, you don't even need a DNA test one this one, hell.. Even you and him look alike." August said and walked up in front of him. "But just kno' you not pullin shit on us."

Robert stood up, being an inch or two taller than August and crossed his arms smirking.  "Trust me, Mr. 'Alsina' I don't need YOUR money, or anybody else's for that fact. I'm a doctor I make good money, and enough to take care of my wife, and children. Never in my life have I went and tries to use other people for money. What kind of man does that?"

"Wife and kids? How old are you Rob?" I asked

"I'm thirty two. I have a sixteen year old son and a nine year old daughter."

"What the hell? H-"

He chuckled. "I'm not proud of it, but I don't regret it.. I was sixteen when I got my girlfriend at the time pregnant. I stayed with her, supported her and I married her after we graduated together. We both went to college, Aunt Chris, and Uncle J took turns with the baby while we was went to school. We made sure we still seen him all the time we went to college in our hometown anyways so it wasn't difficult.. I went to be the doctor I am today, and my wife is a real estate agent."

"That's what's up whea' you live?" August asked.


"Can I go?" Anthony snapped

"Yeah." I told him and he went on.

The rest of the time, we got to know each other a little more, and then we got the kids and we all ate cake, and they opened their gifts, and they loved them.

Pretty Lame Chapter, huh?


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Lost Love [Book 3] (Not Edited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant