C.3 (part two)

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||August Alsina||

The boys left the house and she then walked me around the other parts of the house revealing other women cleaning, cooking, some doing drugs, and other shit.

"You live hea' an let ya sons be around this shit? What you doin?"

"This is my husbands doing." She whispered

"Who's ya husband?"

She looked up at me. "Sorry." She shook her head.

"Sorry fa what?"

"I didn't know she was your wife when he did it."

"Who's ya fuckin husband?!" I snatched my hand away from hers.


"Tyrese?!!!!" I said loudly

"Shh.. I'm doing this so you can handle him and get your wife back."

"Let me guess. You want me ta kill em so it's one less beating yo ass will get? He used to date my girl too about ten years ago. Beat ha ass all tha time. Tried to kill ha twice."

"I'm sorry August. I promise. I didn't know! What was I supposed to do?! He would kill me, or one of my kids if i told about any of this."

"What if... Just what if he kills me, then what... He kills you and who's going to protect ya kids. Then possibly my wife, who's my kids gonna have?"

"ANDREA!!!!" I heard that niggas voice. She started to panic. "Go.. Into that room." She pointed. "Let me kill this nigga right na'."

"No... When you hear us leave then go down that hall and it leads to a door that leads to the basement.... Follow us there, that's where she is." She said.

I went to the room and closed the door behind me.

Then I heard girls giggle. "You trying to join the fun?" I turned around to see about five girls naked all over each other. I hurried and turned back around and put my head to the door so I could hear what they was saying.


"SHHH!" I said and then cracked the door open and seen they was gone. I went down the hall Andrea told me to go down and I was reaching for the doornob when I felt a gun being held at my neck.

"Nigga. Turn the fuck around." I heard. "Put yo fuckin hands in the air too." I slowly turned around with my hands in the air only to be faced by three niggas and four hoes.

Daveontae, Jamal, Chris, some other guy, Camille, Briana, that chick from South Africa, and India, and Kayla's mom.

"Hey baby daddy." India smiled

"Tie this little nigga down and take him down there beside his bitch." Chris said chuckling and Daveontae and Jamal walking towards me while the random guy had the gun on me.

They tied me up and tied me down and took me down the steps.

"You see ya little bitch?" Daveontae asked as I walked past whom was Kayla. She was half naked and she was smoking something.

"Kayla." I called out. She looked up a bit and before she could turn around to face me Tyrese smacked the fuck out of her. "Turn yo ass around and finish that shit."

"Yo!!" I tried to get out of the grip Daveontae and them had on me to get to Tyrese but somebody hit me hard on the back of the head sending me down and out.


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