C.9 (part three)

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Y'all really should commenting a lot more.

||August Alsina||

"What Tha Fuck?" I woke up and jumped up off the couch due to hot fucking water being thrown on me.

"Yeah get ya black ass up Anthony!!" Kayla said sounding mad as hell. "Why tha fuck you do that retarded ass shit?" I walked around pacing back and forth to keep my distance from her.

"You lied. You kept a big ass secret you should have been fuckin' told me. Just get the hell out."

"What you talkin about?" I asked confused.

||Kayla Phillips||

"You should know. Just go." I walked upstairs and packed him a few bags. I sat on the floor and baggged stuff up.

I heard his big ass footsteps and then his voice and him rushing over to me. He knocked me over. "Why You In My Shit, Kayla?" He yelled at me. I looked up at him like he was crazy. I could tell he had done a mixture while I was gone. He was shaking, itching, looking around as if he was being watched, his eyes were blood shot red, and I could smell the weed on him. I saw something in his eyes that I used to see in Tyrees's and August's when he put his hands on me before and it made me fear for my life a bit.

I shook my head and started crying. "This is it August." I stood up and took the bags of marijuana and coke and poured some down the toilet before he came and snatched it out of my hand, before pushing me hard. I just let him have it.

"So, you're choosing drugs over your wife and your kids?" I asked. He just looked at me with low eyes. I nodded. "You'll get divorce papers in a couple of days." I said and went to my drawer with my money in it, and I got the kids together with some clothes, toys and other stuff and began to leave the house.

"Mama. Whea' is we goin? Why you din let me say bye to daddy?" Ayla asked me. I couldn't respond any other way but cry, shrug, and shake my head.

"He hurt you again?" Anthony asked me as he put on his seatbelt. I shook my head no when in all honesty he did. As I was about to back out somebody pulled up. Mama Sheila got out of the car and came to my window.

"Hey Kayla, where you going, and why you crying?" She asked.

"I'm done. I'm sorry, I love your son, and you, and your whole family, but I just can't do it anymore. I'm tired of it." I broke down.

"What? What you talking about girl?" She asked. I shook my head. "Go in there and see. Just know I'm done, I've been dealing with it too long." I said and began to back out of the driveway.

||Mama Sheila||

I went into the house and called August's name. No answer.

I looked around downstairs for a little, I saw an ashtray and stuff scattered over the table. I finally walked up the stairs and to the room that him and Kayla share and I saw him sitting on the edge of the bee with a bottle in one hand and a joint in the other.


He jumped fast and turned around quick. "What?" He asked quickly.

"What'd you do to Kayla son?" I asked walking over to him. He tried to hurry and put the baggy of something white away but I seen it anyway.

"Nothin'. She'a be back.. Ba'lee dat." He put the bottle up to his mouth.

"How exactly do you know that?" I asked him

"She always comes back. I'm not worried about this luh petty shit she doin'... She can neva stay away from me. She love me too much."

"That she does, but when a woman's fed up chile'... She's fed up, and Kayla's pretty damn fed up. She's been through too much all her life."

Lost Love [Book 3] (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now