C.9 (part two)

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||Kayla Phillips||

"Na' you sure you didn't plan this ta get ha outta hea'?" August asked me. I looked at his dumb black ass as if he was really dumb as fuck.

I shook my head. "I'm actually not going to argue with you. You sound fuckin' stupid." I walked off.

"Nah, fa'real." He followed behind me.

I turned around to face him.  "Why the hell do you think I would do that August?"

"Because you don't like when otha' bitches around me.  You neva have. Simple. You did it because you wanted to, you didn't have to."

"Ughh!!" I balled my fist up. "I want to beat the fuckin shit out of you." I walked away from him and I went to go get the kids. They were all in their separate rooms. "Anthony, you want to come with me, Ayla?" I asked him. Be finished typing whatever he was typing on his computer and then turned around. "Where y'all going?" He asked

"Just riding around for a little."

"Yeah.. I'll come. Can you run me by the store too?" He asked

"Sure. Now hurry up." I rushed him.


"What store you want to go to?"
I asked Anthony.

"Dollar Tree." He said

"Why?" I sort of laughed

"Because everything's a dolla, an I don't have time ta be spending all typa mony like that on what I'm getting." He said sounding like his father. I nodded.

"Okay, whatever." I said and drove him there. We got out and as we was walking down the aisle's Ayla starts grabbing stuff and opening it so I had to spank her, and she just started acting out so I rushed Anthony, and we started to head back home.. We've been gone for about an hour and a half, maybe even two hours, mainly riding around. Kin'Ni should be waking up shortly if he's not already up, and the other boys should be getting sleepy by now, hopefully.

We finally arrived to the house and the kids went in and Anthony told me he'd be in his room working on a little project for school. I sat in for a little bit to relax before I went in and did my chores.

30 minutes later.

I headed to me and Aug's room to put our clothes away after I has put all of the kids away. When I got finished putting all of my clothes in drawers and hanging them up I started on his. I hung his shirts, and jackets up. Put his underwear, pants, and shirts in a drawer and TRIED to put the socks in a drawer but it was stuck. I continually tried to pull it out. The last time I tried, the front of that drawer broke off and a bunch of clothes and two brown paper grocery bags fell out. I sighed in frustration and got up to look for some super, or gorilla glue. I sat back down and before I even tried to glue it back I was curious to what junk was in this damn bag, and why the hell it was in the drawer. When I emptied it out my mood went from curious, and somewhat in a good mood to angry as hell.


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