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Two days later...

||August Alsina||

"Hey Son. Where's Kayla and the kids? And ooh... This house looks a mess." My mama said

"She not hea' no more."

"Anymore? What in the hell do you mean 'anymore'?" She put her hands on her hip.

"She don't live hea'... Damn." I turned around on the couch and faced the other way.

"Well where does she live now cause me and her need to have a little talk about this."

"I don't know, na' can you leave?... Please."

"Uh, you better watch how you're talking to me. Now what's wrong with you, and what's going on?"

"That's between me and my wife, and nothing."

"Oh it's something and it needs to be explained. You look terrible. Have you ate? When did you last take a shower? And WHY is your wife not living here?"

I shrugged my shoulder. "How'd you get in hea' anyways? I didn't invite you hea' an I fired tha maids so I kno they ain't let you in."

"I have my ways... I made myself a key."

"How tha' hell you do dat shit? You come an still fuckin keys so you can have one of yo own? To A House That Ain't Yours?! Get OUT!" I snapped

She looked at me like I had lost my mind. That's when I knew I Lowkey fucked up. She slapped me dead across my face and it actually really stung.

I laughed. "Get out my house befo' I called da police, ya heard me?" I stood up and walked towards the steps.
"August! Son, I know you're hurting because of what Kayla's doing to you, but don't take it out on the world. Besides, she must've moved out of town.. Preferably with another man. Why else would she just pack up all of her things and the two of you alls kids and move without letting you know where?" My mother said. I turned around and pointed my finger towards her way. "Na' look. Mama, I love you. You my mama, an I gotta respect you but I'm ya son, an trust me I expect the same respect on part of me AND my wife who, like I said don't live hea' right na'. Don't come in hea' disrespecting us saying stuff like that."

"You know what. I'm going to let it be. But son, you need to take care of yourself. You need to eat, you need to get out and do something. Have you given up on music?"

"Nah... I have some stuff my dude Dathan's listening to and adding beats in and stuff. It'll be done soon, then maybe in a year' or two... Howeva long it takes me to get the rest of my songs together for this new project I'm working on.. Ima be alright." I looked at her. She was texting on her phone. She looked up and put it away.

"When's the last time you slept?" She asked me.

"Three days ago.. I can't sleep." I shook my head.

||Mama Sheila||

After August explained to me why he couldn't sleep the doorbell rang. I knew exactly who it was. Daniel. Because I invited her.

"Who's hea?" August asked me.

"Daniel." I simply stated and opened the door.

"Why tha fuck you hea?" He pointed to Daniel. "An why tha fuck you let ha' in?" He pointed to me.

"I told you to watch how you talk to me."

"Right na' I'm fed tha fuck up an I don't give a shit how I talk to whoeva I'm talking too. I'm tired of y'all tryin ta control my life. I'm a grown ass man. I pay my own bills. This is my house. Therefore I say who comes in and outta hea' not to mention I pay yo bills too! But its still your house. Would you want me to bring different people in an outta thea'? Hell nah. That's what I thought." He snapped

"Woah, Woah, Woah. August. Hunny. I hope you don't think its alright for you to talk to your mother like that do you?" Danielle walked over to him. "I'm gone." I walked out.


"You can bounce too, cause I kno' I didn't invite yo black ass into my house."

"Oh, baby! Why you acting like this?" I cooed, and laughed walking to him.

"Don't, fuckin touch me Danielle." He stated at me with hate and sadness in his eyes.

"August. On the real, you and Kayla aren't compatible. I've seen y'all struggle for years. First you cheated on her and got with Camille. You cheated on Camille with Kayla. You wanted to be with Kayla but you wanted to be with Camille. You wanted to find your wife, but you wanted to fuck too. Now.. You want to be with your wife, but you want me too." I walked to him and stood on my tippy toes and whispered in his ear. "I can help you relieve a lot of stress and anger. I can handle it. I love it rough."

I looked at him. "Nobody has to know. Keelen is with my mother back in Houston for a week. He can stay longer if you want this help I'm offering." I bit my lip.

"Get tha fuck up out my face." He shoved me and walked up the steps.


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Two more chapters... Maybe one!

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