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||Kayla Phillips||

"Alright, Kayla and y'all! I had a fun time with y'all. It was nice meeting y'all and I hope I get to see y'all soon. Maybe come down to Orlando so y'all can meet my little family, along with our Aunt and Uncle. And I never asked... How's mom?" He asked

"Dead." I blurted.

"Huh?" He asked, shocked.

"I'm lying. Well she's dead to me. She tried to kill me and she's always hated me. She's in prison."

"Oh.. Well, it is what it is. Tell the kids I said ill see them later, and AUGUST?!" He yelled

"Yeah?" August came in.

"Don't you be treating my sister bad aight?" He asked

August laughed. "What is you talking bout woe?"

"I notice something about y'all's relationship. Y'all are trying to hide the fact that y'all are going through things, and trying to pretend that y'all are happy. But you're really not. I've been with my wife forever, but we've been married for thirteen years, we've gone through hell and back. I've cheated on her before. I've put her through some things, she put me through some things but we stuck it out and made it work. Nothings perfect, and y'all young people need to understand that. You can't just give up when shit gets hard. You got to fight through the tough times, and get stronger. Y-"

"Man, I know what's going on in my relationship y-" August tried to cut Rob off.

"You not very wise are you?" He asked

"I'm hella wise."

"No you not. You ever heard Knowledge Speaks, But Wisdom Listens? You need to listen sometimes and not have your head so far up your ass that you don't care about anyone's feelings but yourself. That's your problem. But I'm gone. Bye, and I love you sis." He came and hugged me.

"See you." I hugged him back.

When he left, me and August sat down and talked.

"You know what you going to do or you still confused?" He asked

"Nope, I've made up my mind..." I paused. "I'm leaving, and i'm moving out of Atlanta." I added

"When?" He asked

"Sunday." I answered

"Wow, three days from now? So this is it?"

I shrugged. "Where you moving to?"

I shrugged. Although I already found a house where I'm moving.

"I guess there's no point of me tryin ta hold you back if you already kno' what you gon do. When you gonna let me see tha kids?"

"Anytime you want. I'm not the type of mother to keep a father that wants to be in their children's life, out of their life." I said

||August Alsina||

I feel like my world is ending, and my heart is breaking.

"August." Kayla called my name.

"Hm?" I asked in a daze.

"Look at me." She told me. I slowly looked up at her. "Yeah?"

"You know everything is temporary?" She asked

"Yeah. Like this fuckin' marriage. Hell. I just got you back and you up and leaving me. You know what.. Technically we've been married for three years and some months, but every since you got back we haven't been happy. F-"

"DON'T YOU dare say 'fuck this marriage." She raised her voice.
"Is it my fault that you make huge ass mistakes? I haven't did anything to deserve the shit you been putting me through, and then on top of that. 'Oh while you was gone' head ass. Bitch! You cheated on me knowing we was married when I was kidnapped! Famous niggas like you don't need to be married, or have kids. Y'all let y'all fame get to your damn head. What I was going to say is this separation was going to be temporary but if you wanna say 'fuck' this marriage then we can fuck it together and end it and go on about our business. Hit and quit like shit up in this bitch." She slammed her fist down on the table. "I'm not trying to overreact but shit. I can take the kids move away, and you can act like you don't have kids or whatever so you can do whatever you want to do. Yeah fuck this marriage." She got up and threw something at me.

"Kayla, ba-"

"Don't Kayla baby me. Don't call me baby or nothing! W-." I cut her off by kissing her.

"August, what the fuck!" She slapped me in the face.

Damn. "Kayla, look.. I know I made you upset." I wrapped my arms around her. "Let me make it up to you, I'm sorry." I kissed her forehead.

"August." She cried. "I'm scared, and I want to rip your dick off your body."

"Why you scar- Hol' on what tha fuck?" I asked.

She looked up at me. "I didn't stutter, August. I think I'm pregnant so ima rip your dick off so you never get another bitch pregnant, or fuck again." She started crying. What the fuck? I thought. "It's okay baby." I rubbed her back.

"No it's not. The condition were in right now, we're not ready for another child, and me having all these damn babies is fucking me and my body up."

"Baybeh... Ya body look bettah than eva'."

"God." She mumbled. "Come see me every other day when you don't have a show." She said

"So you still leaving?" I asked

"I'm not staying just because I'm pregnant. Nothing's going to hold me back from getting my space from you."

I chuckled. "Aight. How long we doing this separation shit?"

"How ever long it takes us to realize what we need to realize and so on. I want you to know that you can't just take advantage of me all the time. That i'm not going to just come back because you seduce me in some way. I'm past that. You should be too. I was dumb and desperate in the past. I somewhat felt like I needed somebody but at the same time I knew I didn't... That's where I am now. I know I don't need a man, I need my kids, cause if nobody got me they got me and I got me. You still remain the same. The same August from when we was teenagers. We're grown now, I matured to where I should be, and learned from my mistakes. You, you just make mistakes and keep making them, most times not even caring who you hurt." She told me. I nodded.

"We're a fucking bipolar ass couple!" She started crying and laughing

"Yeah.. We need to work on that." I said, sadly.

"Indeed." She laughed.


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