C.10 (part three)

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||Mama Sheila||

"Yes Ms. Sheila!" Danielle laughed.


"Y'all can go see him. He's awake." I heard a voice and I turned to see it was Kayla. She gathered up the kids and began to leave.

"Kayla!" I followed her. She ignored me and kept walking, with Kin'Ni on her hip.

"KAYLA!" I yelled.

She turned around.

"Where are you going?" I asked her

"Somewhere." She answered.

"Where's somewhere? You not going to let my grandbabies see their daddy?" I asked

She laughed. "Tuh! Your grandkids?.. All of a sudden THEY are your grandkids after you up and all of a sudden wanted nothing to do with anybody? I'm over all this bullshit."

"Excuse me?"

||Kayla Phillips||

"You've been excused. I'm surely about to excuse myself, and from this family, y'all had been nothing but good to me... Well that's what I thought. But truly, y'all take me for granted. Just plain ole' use me. I'm tired of it. You probably only liked me because you've been wanted August to have children, and I gave him five, gorgeous, intelligent, kids and now that you found out he has another one, you can care less about me and mine. I don't trust none of y'all. The only people I have is my kids, honestly. My mom turned on me, my 'bestfriend', boyfriends, husband, mother in-law, I'm done! I may keep getting hurt by everyone but I'm damn sure getting stronger, and stronger.. Nobody is going to keep me down, I'm ready to leave this stuff in the past and move on with my life."

"What are you talking about? How are you going to do all of this?" She asked

"Well for starters as hard as it is on me, right now, and how bad it's going to hurt me in the future, and affect my kids in a way, I'm divorcing your son." I began to cry. "Ki, baby.. You and your brothers and sister, go back in the waiting room while I talk to your grandmother.." I put Kin'Ni down.

"You can't Kayla." Sheila laughed. "Y'all have been through too much, you're just upset right now." She added.

"I am upset, I'm mad as hell actually. That I am, but I'm not confused to the point where I don't know what I'm saying. Me and August have serious issues, we've been going through these issues for years, trying to overcome.. Nothings going to change. I'm tired of constantly getting hurt, I've been hurt enough in my life. I just need to move on. August does too. I'm not happy anymore with him. I try to be but we constantly argue, nothing I do is right, he yells at me for nothing as if I'm a child, he leaves for more than half a day. See, y'all don't know what goes on behind closed doors, only me, my kids, and August do, and I'm not going to have them sit back and watch all of this."

"Look, we are all sorry we've hurt you Kayla, but can you please not do this. At least for the kids sake."

"I'm not going to use my kids as an excuse to stay with someone im no longer happy with. The longer we stay together it's like the more distant we become to each other, the more we argue, and the more hate we have for each other, it just grows. I can't do it. I believe August loves me, without a doubt, but no matter how much he says he's going to change he isn't going to do it. I hope he will this time since he was right at deaths door, I hope this was an eye opener for him. I pray with all my mite that he changes, but the sad thing about it is that if he does, I won't be with him to witness it.". I walked away to get my kids.

"Anthony, Antoino, Ayla, Antoine, and Kin'Ni. Come on." I said. They all dropped whatever they was playing with and ran over to me. "Whea's daddy?" Ayla asked

"In his hospital room, now come on." I pulled their hands, and everybody started throwing a little fit when we stepped off the elevator. "Uncle Chris and Trey!!!" Anthony ran. I looked up and seen Chris and Trey walking towards me. "What's good witcha Lil yung?" Trey picked Anthony up.

"Kayla.. You look fine as hell ma. When you gon' divorce yung and hit a nigga up?" Chris came up to me.

"Chris. Get the hell on!" I pushed him away. "Why'd you come up here?" I asked

"To see my nigga, why?"

"Cause that's what you need to be doing instead of trying to fuck with me." I snapped and stepped away from him. "Come on y'al." I told the kids.

"Kayla, what's up baby girl?" Trey asked me

"Nothing really. How are you Trey?" I asked

"Good, good."

"Well that's good. I'll see y'all later, I got to go." I said and walked out the door.

||Anthony Alsina||

"Mama. Aunt Tati, and Naomi called."

"What they want?" She asked

"Well." I paused. "They said they was coming over here. Tati days she igger the hospital before she had beat that hoe Danielle's 'A' ." I said. She laughed.

"Well they need to go on and head over here." She said.

I laughed before speaking. "Ma."

"Yeah?" She asked

"Are you really leaving dad, staying away for a little, or you don't know... Like always?" I asked

"I know what I'm doing." She smiled. "I'm going to get y'all, and myself away from all of this negativity, here. Atlanta just isn't the place for us. Just know that, mama has everything under control... Hopefully." She mumbled the last part to herself.
I nodded.



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