C.8 (part two)

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||August Alsina||

"Well I seen Trey today,  he hit the back of my car."


"You obviously heard me. Yes, it was on my way dropping Anthony off."

"Did yall get hurt?"

"No. We're fine." She said.

"Mr. And Mrs. Alsina." One of the maids came in.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You have company. Some woman and a little child." She said

"Danielle?" I asked

"No. A different one."

"Great! How many kids have you had on me August!!?" Kayla laughed.

I held up my hands. "I don't even know if-."

She walked out of the room and I'm guessing downstairs to see. I follows and seen her sitting on the couch starting at the woman and the boy that was standing in the doorway.  "Hmm. He looks like you." She said with her hand on her chin.

"Come in." I said.

I've never seen this woman in my life.

"This is your son. Mr. Alsina." She said as she had the little boy walk towards me. He looked scared to death.

"This can't be my son. How? I don't know you."

She laughed. "No.." She opened up a piece of paper. "You and Kayla Alsina?" She said. Kayla jumped off the couch. "Say what? When sid I have this child?"

"A little over three years ago."

We both shook our heads. "I lost that baby." She said

"No you didn't. Kin'Ni Alsina? Born in the Bahamas?"

"This can't be possible. Get this child out of my house. I remember loosing my son. If y'all are trying to pull some of that shit where y'all prank, punk or whatever the fuck somebody this isn't fucking funny." She started crying.

"Yeah. Get out our crib ya heard me? You don't come hea' pull in shit like that." I said shoving them out.

"No! Please, follow me down to the police station where a few people that you know, they can explain all of this."

Short chapter, but this book is ending soon.

But go check out my new book Behind Closed Doors. (Yes.... I'm going to keep promoting my mf'n book until y'all check it out. :) )


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