C.10 (part one)

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||Kayla Phillips||

It's been three whole days and a half since I left the house. I went by the house earlier today, August wasn't there. I asked the maids, they haven't seen or heard from him. I tried calling him, his mom, and everyone. No answer.

"Mommy! I wanna see daddy!!!" Ayla whined

"How Many Tomes Do I Have To Tell You I Don't Know Where He Is!" I yelled at her causing her to start crying.

"Ma' ... Just cause you're stressed an don't know whea' pops is don't mean you gotta yell at us." Anthony put his little remark in.

"And just cause you're a little bit older and haven't gotten your ass tore up by me in a while doesn't mean I won't do it right now." I replied. He rolled his eyes.
"Roll them the fuck again and I pull then out the damn socket. Understand?" I asked

"Mama! Mama! Daddy on T.V!" I heard one of the boys yell from the other room. "What station baby?" I yelled back

"The news!!"

I laughed. 'the news' . I turned on my T.V to the news I always watch and I seen a picture of August in the corner and a woman talking. I turned it up to hear.

'Using a huge amount of the substances and had a heart attack. He has been in a coma since late Friday night. He's not doing so well doctors have said. They don't know when he will come out of the coma, a-'

'Yeah.. I've spoken with his mother, and a little bit of his family and they had no idea he had been doing drugs.' Another one of the news people said

"Did you get to speak to his wife? What did she say?"

"No.. She actually was nowhere around. Family didn't know where she was."

"That's terrible. I wonder did she know!"

"Well I'm sure she had to. She had just got rescued from being kidnapped for two years and being dr-." I turned the T.V off.

||Anthony Alsina||

"Ma." I touched her as she just stood there with one hand over her mouth and the other over her stomach. Years poured down her face. "Ma!" I said again and she took off running to the bathroom and to the toilet started puking.

"What's wrong!" Ayla came behind me as I followed mom in the bathroom.

After mama threw up some more she yelled at us and told us to get out.

"You want me to call Nana?" I asked

"No. Just help the other ones put their shoes and socks on, and their jackets." She said. I shook my head, and did as she said. I'm so ready to hurry and grow up and move away from all of this.

"Antonio, Antoine, Ayla, and Kin'Ni, get y'al shoes on."

"Whea' we goin' man.. In tryna play dis game!" Antonio said with attitude.

"I don't care nigga. Get yo ass up befo' I whoop you."

"Nigga, you not my daddy." He threw the controller down and stood up to me.

"Boi... You betta take yo li'l three year old ass down." I looked down at him

"Shut up. An that's why I'm telling mama you cussed me out." He stormed off.

"Ant.." I looked down and saw Ayla holding on to my leg.

"Yeah?" I asked her

"What's wrong with mommy, and whea's daddy?" She asked and started crying. I picked her up. "Shh.. Mama's fine, an I don't kno." I took her to her room to get a her shoes and stuff.

Lost Love [Book 3] (Not Edited)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu