38. Battle pt. 3

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** Harpers POV **

"From the prior evidence and cases made today by both parties as well as the defendants custody will be granted to the party of........ Mr Chris Goldman."

My heart falls, I get up and run from the room. I rush to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall seconds before I burst into tears, my babies are being taken from me. Abernathy, Lisbeth, Sylvianna, and Owen. I hear the door open

"Harper, are you in here?" Arizona speaks

"We can find a loophole, something that proves him unfit. I'm sorry to leave but I'm going to get back and start figuring this mess out, they should have ruled in favor of you." Cynthia speaks. I hear her heels clicking on the tile and the bathroom door open and shut.

"Go away Arizona. I'm kinda ticked at you at the moment because you can at least see my children."

"Harper, I'm sorry that my a-hole brother won the case. He shouldn't have, it's not right."

"I'm just so done with my life right now, I don't want to live without my kids."

"Please, please, please don't speak like that."

"Why? It's true, I don't want to live without my kids."

"Harper, please come out of the stall and we can go to my apartment and get drunk and talk sh*t about my brother."

"I just want to be alone right now but thanks for the offer."

"Okay, I'm here for you. Just know that." I hear her walk out

I unlock the stall and clean myself up before heading out of the bathroom. I see Chris at the end of the hallway, he notices me and starts heading my way. I turn to go back into the bathroom but Jason grabs me before I can.

"No. I'm not letting you hide. Just walk with me out of this courthouse."

"Okay." I wipe my eyes and put on my brave face as I link my arm in Jason's and walk out of the courthouse, we pass Chris and I mutter several words that shouldn't be said to him and for a second it seems like he might actually be sorry. Well, it's over, I have the restraining order on him he must remain 100 feet away from me at all times.

"Sh*t." Jason mutters "I rode here with Cynthia. I have no ride."

"I'll drive you home or wherever you need to go."

"It's fine, I can just call a cab."

"Jason, come on. I'm here just let me give you a ride."

"Fine, I appreciate it. I need to go to my house. It's 101 West Sven Street."

"Okay, that's that high rise apartment complex, right."

"Yep. That's it."

We drive in silence for most of the way

"Go out with me." Jason blurts out suddenly


"I know, I know. You just got divorced and lost your kids and we have the whole client lawyer thing. Sorry, it's stupid. I'm stupid."

"Jason, you are super sweet, and you know how hellish my life is, but you are a really nice guy so let's not date there is no way I'm ready for that, but I'm willing to get coffee with you. Next Tuesday, 9:30am, Java Palace on North Elm"

He grins ear to ear "Okay, I'll be there."

I slow the car at his house

"See you Tuesday." He says and all I do is smile.

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