28 - I've Got My Fight Song.

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I've decided Chris now has 2 younger sisters: Arizona who's 3 years younger: Unmarried
Rachel: 1 year younger: Married to Timothy Carnegie  (Tim) : Pregnant 

Chris POV

Harper wakes up dazed and I have to explain everything to her. I'm sitting on the edge of the bed and she leans in sobbing into my chest,

"What if I never hold him? What if he never had a name? What if he never felt loved?" She mutters all these what ifs between tears and there is nothing I can do. What I can do it hold her and reassure her that everything will be okay. My mom came and got the girls after I explained what happened and now they get to go to the zoo and eat ice cream for dinner with Grandma J and Grandpa C. Weeks go by, and nothing changes with the fact that our baby boy is in the hospital and we are at home. I took off work, I know it's my company but I can't I just can't be there right now when I'm needed at home.

Harper lays in bed all day, sobbing and watching rom-com movies. Sometimes I lay with her when the girls go with my sisters or parents. Harper hates pinning the work on them, but has nothing she can do. Her parents are dead, her sister is dead, all she has is Mark and her nieces and nephews. But, he remarried last fall and now is expecting a new baby and she hasn't really met the new wife other than the wedding.

I knock on the door, she slightly moves from her spot on the bed. Not really acknowledging me. I walk over and lay next to her, she's watching Grey's on Netflix and pauses it long enough to look at me before shutting off her iPad and rolling over to face me.

"Hi." She whispers timidly

"Hey, how are you?"

"I don't know anymore. I don't know why things like this keep happening to me."

"It's okay," I hold her tight and rub her arm. "They called, he's getting stronger. Day by day. We can come visit whenever we like."

"Can we go now?"

"Absolutely. Sylvianna is with Arizona and the twins are with Rachel & Tim."

She gets up off the bed and begins to get ready,

"Your sisters are awesome. They have been so helpful, remind me to offer to take care of Baby Berry once it arrives. They need to find out the gender already so I can start spoiling it."

"They each said they wanted a surprise."

"That's dumb. I couldn't do it."

She finishes getting ready and we drive to the hospital in silence. We get there, check in, and are (is?) directed to the infant critical care unit place. Our boy is in the far right corner, machines and wires hooked up to him.

"He's a fighter you know, his odds look good." A nurse days before leaving us with our son

"Hey tough guy. It's mommy" A tear slides from Harper's eye but she blinks the rest back "My little Chandler Owen Goldman."

That's the first time I've heard her say his name since we decided it on the day he was born.

We spend the rest of the day with him talking and taking turns holding our hand in the little incubator slot so he can rest his hand on our finger.

Days go by, we make a habit to visit everyday from 2pm-3:30pm just to make sure he knows he's got his team. My parents stop by once or twice and my sisters do the same. They all whisper how precious he is and how he's a fighter.
Day by Day by Day we sit at home waiting for the phone to ring saying we can bring him home or the complete opposite. To be honest we aren't sure what to expect, his vitals change left and right. Then, days later on November 13th we get the call. He can come home. 

We grab his coming home outfit, I fix the car seat, we kiss the girls bye leaving them with Rachel and explaining that we will be back with and off Harper and I go. She dresses him in his outfit, kisses his head, and straps him in his car seat. The nurse informs him that we have to bring him back every 2 weeks till he reaches the normal vitals of his age.

We drive home, I glance in the rear-view mirror to see Harper sitting in the back smiling at our joy. I have a son, I think. Someone I can play baseball with, someone who I can show how to properly punch guys to protect his older sisters, and someone who won't try to paint my nails every 1/2 hour.


I sit in the nursery rocking my sweet baby boy and I start speaking.

"Welcome to your crazy loving home Chandler, welcome home. You'll make memories of joy and pain of laughter and tears and everything in between. The home we will scare of potential suitors, the home we will see your first steps in, the home that you will make home. It's going to be a crazy ride and your going to have a love hate relationship with it. Buts it your life and it's going to be amazing."

I finish my little tangent monologue and see Chris standing in the doorway

"We have our perfect little family all together. My life will never be more perfect than it is now."

He walks over and kisses me on the forehead and squats down next to the rocking chair

"Hey big guy. Your mommy here is the only woman you will ever be able to count on and your sisters they will always be there no matter how much you hate them. And me, well I'll always be standing next to you."

Harper and I exchange a glance. This is it, this is the moment I've been waiting for. Harper and I with out children as happy as ever.

Chandler Owen Goldman
Born: September 23rd

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