20 - Sylvianna Naomi Goldman

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Hope everyone's having an absolutely amazing new year so far!! I still can't believe it's 2016. Anyways, it's been like 14 days since an update and I keep getting amazing messages from y'all so here's the next chapter! :) Enjoy!!!

8 1/2 months pregnant ~ May 10th

Chris: I love you
-Sent 5:45 am
Harper: 😘 Kisses,
-Sent 9:53 am
Chris: Just woke up?
-Sent 9:54 am
Harper: Yeah, I'm kinda at that always tired and hungry stage. I can't wait till our little princess is here
-Sent 9:56 am
Chris: Sylvianna Naomi will be the queen of hearts. I'm already figuring out how to scare of potential suitors.
-Sent 9:58 am
Harper: Yep, she's pretty perfect. Oh, have fun in your 10:00 meeting.
-Sent 9:59 am
Chris: Thanks, I'm about to head in. I won't have my phone on me till afterwards which will be around 1:00. I love you
-Sent 10:00 am

I toss my phone on the bed and rub my growing bump. Only 2 more weeks until she might be here, I have hoped and prayed for this baby and I'm ready to hold her in my arms. I maneuver myself out of bed and head to the kitchen to fulfill my latest craving of pickles, m&ms, with a side of ketchup. I get my food situated on the couch and plop down to binge watch anything to keep my mind off the deal Chris has today, the Quinn's are flying in this afternoon and I have it arranged for them to stay here. After all, we live in a home with 15 bedrooms and 14 of them vacant, well soon to be 13. His wife Katie and I will hang out while she quote says "The boys will be boys and talk business" also she feels really bad that she has to miss Marley's birthday, today, so they are going to fly all the kids down to spend a week at Disneyland after we wrap up the business deal.

I stand up to take my dishes to the kitchen and feel a sharp stabbing pain in my stomach. I instantly realize what it is from my birthing classes and the videos. Labor.

I begin to call Chris, voicemail.
I call again, voicemail.

I don't bother leaving any messages because I know it will worry him. I decide to call the only person left, Katie Quinn. Their flight should have landed by now and since no house help are on the schedule today I desperately need help.

Thankfully she picks up.

"Hey girl! I was just about to call you to say we landed!"

"That's awesome, look I kinda need some help right now."

"Sure, what's up?"

I feel a tingling sensation and then a gush of water. I let out a little squeal.

"Harper? Is everything okay?"

"No, I'm in labor. My water just broke, Chris is in an extremely important meeting and no maids are here today. Please, help me." I crouch to the floor in pain

"Okay, I've got a taxi and I am on my way. I'm sending Chance to go hunt down your husband to meet us at the hospital. Now, just breath in and out."

"This is funny, we have never met before yet your helping me through my labor."

"Hey, one woman to another this is a freakin awesome experience. Plus today just happens to be my sweet little Marley's birthday."

"Oh yeah, I can't wait to meet her, you are flying them down in what 2-3 weeks?"

"That's the plan."

"Sweet, they will love Disney.......ow oh ow eek..... Sorry contraction."

"I'm here, how do I get in?"

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