36 - Battle pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Photographs are a petty thing to try and take, can't we split them."

"I'm sorry, we've negotiated it already and my client would like to discuss the biggest matter at hand, the children."

"I get them, I have more money, more space, more family to help, more everything. I'm better off than that petty little b*tch and I want sole custody."

"Not so fast Mr. Goldman, my client has already filed for sole custody of the children with visitations determined by her and limited contact with the children and absolutely no unauthorized contact due to your offense." Cynthia comes to my defense before I can speak up

"My offense, what should that matter. It was MOTHER F***ING YEARS AGO!!!"

My mind flashes to that night, we were in college it was my junior year. We had met two years ago and been dating for 1 year, we were really good friends before it and we'll the friends part turned into something more. He returned to our run down apartment on Christmas Eve, my parents decided to fly to Paris to celebrate Christmas and New Years  and my sister was on a trip with friends and since I wasn't going to go anywhere so Chris stayed with me. But then he turned up 2 hours late without bringing dinner like he said, he didn't pick up my package from the post office, he didn't do any of the errands I had asked him to do, and he agreed so I had time to call my family. The last time I would actually call my family before the accident. I remember storming out of the apartment and running down the street away from it tears falling from my eyes. I stopped and paused the cold weather and snow starting to get to me. I look around in hopes of seeing somewhere to go, and I see a cafes' light on down the street, the cafe where Chris and I first met outside of. I went in and sat down amongst a few other people, the old lady who owned the cafe handed me a hot chocolate before I could order one saying "You look like you need this, it's on the house, Merry Christmas." I sat there for an hour chatting with her she was alone this Christmas, her husband had died that previous summer and her child went with his wife to visit her parents. We talked and laughed eventually though she had to close up so she could get up early to go help with the homeless breakfast. I said goodbye and went back onto the cold street, I see bench across the road and go and sit down, I pull out my phone, no messages. He didn't try to call, he didn't text, he didn't try to contact me. I look at the screen once again to check the time 12:01, Merry Christmas I think to myself. I sit on the bench snow flurries floating around me. I sit there for what feels like forever and then I see him running down the street, he looks frantic, he sees me rushing over to me,

"Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't do anything I swear. I was drunk, I was at Gave's house with the boys we were playing poker and I didn't realize the time or how much I had had to drink and I'm better now."

"Just go home, I'm fine."

"I know you are not fine, and I actually have you just where I want you." He says wiping the tears from my eyes

"What on earth do you mean?"

"Hold that thought." He pulls out his phone and sends someone a quick text "Look." He motions behind me at the park shelter

I see Christmas lights turn on, I see my family standing under the shelter, carols start playing over a speaker, I see cookies and cake and I'm shocked.

"What on earth did you do?"

"Come with me." He says taking my hand. We stop in front of a Christmas tree that's decorated so beautifully.
"Harper Mackenzie Lanning, I love you with everything in my heart, you are my one true missing piece of the puzzle, you complete me and I don't want to be incomplete, I don't have a lot to this speech but I have a lot of love to offer you, so I was wondering" he pauses getting down on one knee "If you will do me the honor or completing me. Harper, Will You Marry Me?"

Of course I said yes, and everyone cheered. I celebrated with my family, sadly my mother and father wouldn't make it to my wedding day, leaving me crumbled Chris being the only one there for me through it all, as Abby was still younger and living with my aunt and uncle.

I pull myself out of the thought realizing I did still have feeling for him, but he broke the last straw and I'm not going back again, the offense that occurred was  a few months after, some financial claim that was petty and went away, leaving a mark on him. A tear slips from my eyes. I do love him, I love him more than he even knows, but he's fooled me once so shame on him, and I took him back yet he fooled me again so shame on me. I love him, but I love myself more. I love myself enough to realize I don't deserve a cheating man as my husband. I love myself enough to take a hit to do what's best for my family's overall well being. I'm not saying I deserve a Prince Charming but I sure as heck don't deserve some rotten, mega-jealous, blindsiding b@stard. Now, sitting here as his ex-wife again I'm hoping I've got enough just enough support and supporting proof that had the judge rule in favor to grant me full custody. He needs to pay and I need to get on with my life and start rebuilding what I need. My kids need better than their daddy never being home and their mommy breaking down when he wont answer her texts, calls, and when she calls the office they say he left hours ago. I Harper Mackenzie Lanning do solemnly swear that I'm going to do everything to keep my family away from the cold hearted monster sitting across from me.


FYI, I have never had any divorce experience so I'm not sure how they work. So, I'm sorry if this is really inaccurate.

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