Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

The brunette put an arm around her girlfriend's waist and rested her head on her shoulder.

'You're never too much, Chlo. Keep being you'

Chloe smiled at the comment, then said, 'Thank you'

'It's other people I worry about- not you. You're the most loyal, loving person I know', Beca said candidly.

'What do you mean you worry about other people?'

'I just...don't see how other people couldn't fall for you like I have...I mean, I had a boyfriend before you, and you're my opposite personality-wise'

Beca looked nuzzled further onto Chloe's shoulder, as if she could disappear into it. Chloe's hands were stuffed in her parka pockets, keeping warm.

'I'm never going to want anyone else but you, Beca'

'I think I know that deep down...but I'm still...scared of losing you'

The brunette was edging out of her comfort zone, but now that she had gotten used to opening up to Chloe, it wasn't as awkward as it once was.

'It's good that you're scared', Chloe said softly, 'It shows me that you still care about me'

'Do you...get scared of losing me?', Beca mumbled.

'Of course I do. You're everything to me, and I hate it when we fight'

'Okay', was all the DJ could muster. She was feeling a little bashful.

The redhead looked up at the stars in the sky. It was a clear night with few clouds, so they could easily be seen. Beca lifted her head from her girlfriend's shoulders so that she could look as well. The stars twinkled brightly against the pitch black backdrop, and the girls felt peaceful. A cool, calming breeze blew through the tree branches in the garden, and made the grass shards waver.

'Do you wanna go inside, Chlo? I feel like my nipples could cut glass'

'Let's go inside', Chloe agreed with a giggle.
They were now both upstairs and in bed. Beca had Chloe laying on top of her, teasing her.

'Stop! Chlo, stop!', she pleaded to the redhead. Chloe was blowing delicately on the girl's eyelashes, which made her incredibly uncomfortable.

'You're going to be so tired for school tomorrow', the brunette laughed, 'And you're going to have to tell the children that you stayed up to blow at my eyes'

Chloe let out a cackle, then gave Beca a kiss.

'Goodnight', she smiled, as she broke the kiss.

'Night, Chloe'

The DJ gave the girl on top of her one last cuddle, then they moved onto their respective sides of the bed. They were soon asleep and dreaming.
'When you've done that, Beca, I could really do with you showing me the set you've planned for next week, and then I'd like you to show Wade around the studio'

A few days later, Beca's boss had been giving her about fifty million things to do all day, and the DJ was growing tired.

'Yes sir', she muttered, adding a half-hearted salute.

She wanted so badly to be at home with Chloe, and couldn't wait to see her that evening when she finished work. Somehow Chloe always put the energy back into her.
Beca nudged open the bedroom door to find Chloe sat in her PJs on the bed.

'Good evening', Chloe said cheerily.

'Evening', Beca yawned, stumbling towards the mattress.

'Do you need anything to eat?'

The brunette had slumped onto the mattress on her stomach, partially burying her face in a pillow.

'I ate a panini and a pot of fruit at work before I left', she answered.

'Had a rough day?', Chloe asked, leaning forwards to place a kiss on the top of her head.

'I'm super tired', Beca yawned once more.

The redhead moved to sit on top of Beca's ass, then proceeded to lift the girl's shirt up her back.

'What are you doing?', Beca asked, her voice muffled by the pillow.

'I promised you a back rub'

Chloe lifted the shirt so that it came up to the girl's armpits, and unhooked her bra. Then, she slowly drove the bottoms of her palms on either side of her spine.

'Oh my god', the brunette breathed. In a single movement, Chloe had released the stress that had built up duing the day.

Trailing her palms up alongside the spine, Chloe reached her shoulders. She rubbed around each shoulder blade with her thumbs- gently at first, then with a bit more pressure. When Beca tensed up then relaxed in pleasure, Chloe ran her fingers down her back, barely touching the skin, sending a shiver through the brunette. She calmed the shiver by gripping her hands on both hips, and using her thumbs in circular movements to caress the dimple's on Beca's lower back.

'I can't tell if this is turning me on, or putting me to sleep', the DJ said huskily.

The redhead switched her attention to the top of the shoulders, massaging them sensually. She leaned over to kiss the nape of her neck, then the righ side of the neck.

'Turning me on', Beca decided.

Pulling back, Chloe began to knead at the spinal muscles, sending Beca's senses into overdrive. Afterwards, she made light taps on the skin, then moved her hands to Beca's neck. Gently, she rubbed up and down on either side of the neck.

'My god, Chloe. Why don't you do this for a living?', Beca rambled into the pillow. She was struggling to speak properly due to how chilled out she was feeling.

Chloe went back to kneading the upper back muscles for a few moments before running her thumbs down to the area just above the girl's waistband. As she rubbed her thumbs lightly over the skin, Beca turned over onto her back, causing the redhead to end up straddling her front.

'Don't you want me to do more?', Chloe asked, confused as to why Beca stopped her.

'If you do more', Beca breathed deeply, 'I will actually have to attack you'

'Why would you attack me?', Chloe replied, sounding like a scared puppy.

'Attack you...with kisses and stuff'

A smirk came across the redhead's face as Beca awkwardly bit her lip. Chloe got off her lap, and lay herself down next to the girl, and Beca turned to face her.

'Your hair smells amazing', the brunette said.

Chloe placed her hand on the side of the brunette's neck, caressing it slightly. Then, she transferred the hand into Beca's hair, which was hanging down at her shoulders. Massaging the back of the girl's head, Chloe leaned in for a tender kiss.

'Are you feeling more awake?', she said as she pulled away.

'I feel like I want to kiss and cuddle you, and fall asleep with you snuggled up to me'

'That sounds perfect', Chloe smiled, kissing her once more.

Swiftly, the DJ left the mattress to change into her PJs and clean off her makeup. Returning to the bed, she slipped under the sheets next to Chloe and brought her in for an embrace; her arms were around the redhead's waist, and Chloe's arms were around Beca's neck. Both of them sighed out of relaxation. They spent a number of minutes wrapped up in the safety and warmth of each other before Chloe nuzzled further into her girlfriend's neck and held her even tighter.

'You're so cuddly tonight', the brunette said, unable to hide the happiness in her voice.

'I just love you too much', Chloe replied, suddenly moving her head back to leave little kisses all over Beca's face, making the girl laugh.

'You're weird, Chlo'

'You love me for it'

The redhead stopped the kissing, and returned her head to Beca's shoulder.

'I can't argue with that', Beca told her, giving her a squeeze.

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