Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

Most of the Bellas noticeably cringed, whereas some of them, including Beca, couldn't help but laugh.

For the rest of the afternoon, the Bellas caught up with each other and had a gossip. Stacie told everyone about how she had been studying astrology at a research centre, Lilly whispered about her dream premonitions, Jessica and Ashley spoke about their trip to Canada, Emily briefly sang one of the new songs she had written, and Aubrey told all the girls about the success of her camp.

'We're branching out- I'll be managing an even bigger camp'

'That's amazing, Bree!', Chloe said.

'Thank you', the blonde replied, 'I'd love it if you girls could visit it once it's set up'

After a few minutes of Aubrey discussing the plans for the new camp, Flo spoke up, saying:

'Chloe, Beca- we haven't asked you what you two have been doing yet'

Beca let her girlfriend answer first.

'Well, I've been working hard at my teaching job, and I think I might be up for a promotion soon', the redhead beamed proudly, 'But I don't want to jinx it', she added, her face becoming innocent, her eyes wide.

'You'll get a promotion', Beca said, giving her a smile.

The Bellas talked to Chloe momentarily about her job, then encouraged Beca to talk.

'Um, well, I've been working at the studio, doing gigs here and there', the brunette spoke, 'And it won't be long until I work on Snoop's next album'

The jaws of all the girls dropped.

'You're working with him again?', Stacie exclaimed.

'He loved my input on the Christmas album, so...'

Chloe proudly put an arm around her girlfriend, who was sat in the seat next to her.

'I'm really proud of Chloe actually', Beca suddenly said, trying to take the limelight off herself, whilst also giving the girl some well-deserved credit, 'All the kids at school love her, and not one of them got a low grade this year. She's an amazing teacher- patience of a saint'

Chloe felt warmed by her sweet words, and a couple of the Bellas pitched in an 'aww'. After a good measure of gossip was thrown in by everyone, the air was getting colder, and the sky was growing darker.

'You go first, Stacie'

Everyone was sat around a cosy fire on their camping chairs. Beca and Chloe were next to each other, and were waiting for Stacie to tell a scary story. The sky was black, and a chilling breeze blew through the woods.

'Okay', Stacie said, 'But be prepared to be scared shitless'. She gave the group a menacing stare, then began to tell her tale:

'In 1998, a family started getting phone calls from a blocked number. The person on the phone was a little boy, and he would ask to speak to the family's young daughter because he was her friend from school. The daughter- she was about ten years old- would pick up the phone, then she'd just hear a man breathing on the other end of the line. She didn't think much of it because she was only a little girl- she didn't understand how creepy it was. But, after three weeks, she woke up in the middle of the night, feeling that someone was there with her in her room. She screamed. The blood-curdling scream woke up her parents, but they didn't get there in time to save her. The window was open. She was gone. The next day, the parents thought it was the police who were calling, but it was a strange man who was just breathing down the line. They reported it to the police, who were looking for their daughter, and were frightened stiff for the rest of the day. That evening, when they were watching TV to distract themselves, in the middle of a news bulletin, there was a signal interruption; a masked figure appeared on the screen. His voice was distorted, but the parents could hear him order them to go to a nearby forest to see their daughter for the last time. So, in complete desperation and stupidity, they rang the police, then, against the forces' advice, they went to the forest. They were led to a seedy-looking den, where their daughter was sat on a blanket. Her eyes were all black, and she was grinning like a maniac; she told her mum and dad that she never wanted to leave. Her parents were never seen again, and everyone just assumed that they had pulled an elaborate hoax and moved to another country to avoid being caught. Some people still say you should never go too far into the forest, just in case you see the little girl'

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