Chapter Thirty

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'Thanks, Chlo'

The two wandered unhurriedly upstairs to their room.

'Do you need me to help you get changed?', Chloe asked as they reached the bedroom door.

'I'll be fine- I'm not that badly hurt', Beca replied, walking over to her wardrobe.

Picking out a pair of pyjamas, she got changed and then joined Chloe in bed, who still looked a bit guilty. She gave the ginger a kiss on the cheek as she wriggled under the sheet.

'Don't look so sad- I hate it when you look sad'

Chloe grasped for Beca's hand under the duvet, and smiled weakly.

'I just feel bad for hurting you...Is it still painful?'

'Not one bit', the DJ replied, which was unusual because she was actually in quite a bit of pain indeed.

'I still feel guilty...I didn't mean to tackle you to the ground'

'It's fine. If anything, it's cool to know that you can defend yourself with killer tackles'

Chloe giggled, then Beca turned to cuddle her.

'Night, Becs'

'Night, Chlo'
The next morning, the girls had woken up and were getting changed.

'Stop ogling me!', Chloe teased as she stood on the opposite side of the room in her underwear.

'I'll ogle all I like because you're my girlfriend'

Beca stopped staring momentarily to take off her own pyjama top.

'OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!', Chloe shouted before covering her mouth in shock.

'Oh my god, what?'. Beca was startled.

The redhead wouldn't reply, so Beca started glancing down- trying to see what she was looking at.

'Oh, shit'

The brunette had spotted the nasty, purple bruise on her ribs.

'Oh, shit', she added, seeing the similar one on her shoulder.

Chloe approached gingerly, and traced her fingers over the marks.

'Okay, I'm taking you to the hospital'

'What? Why?'

'B-because I might have broken your rib...', the redhead replied, averting her eyes in shame.

'You haven't- it doesn't hurt that much, and I can move'

'I still want to get it checked out'

The two finished getting dressed, grabbed a handbag, and then Chloe drove them to the nearest hospital.
'And how did this happen again?'

Beca and Chloe were speaking to a male doctor after waiting a while in the emergency room.

'Um well...Chloe here thought that I was a burglar and tackled me to the floor', the brunette answered the doctor.

'Okay, just making sure we were clear on that'

Beca began to be examined by the man, and winced when he pressed at her chest bruise. After telling the girl to move in various ways, and taking an x-ray, he concluded:

'It's nothing to worry about- you've just badly bruised the skin'

'Thank you. I knew it wouldn't be anything serious', Beca replied.

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