The boy listened to her words. He did want Henry to be his brother, even if he was mean to him.

"I guess I'll try talking to him," Regina told Robin, who quickly took her place in comforting Roland. He wasn't crying much anymore, which was good.

She swiftly made her way to the door where her son had stormed through about five minutes prior, forming her plan of action as she went. Henry wasn't the type of person that got mad at everything; he was always so sweet and quiet, storming out dramatically wasn't really his thing.

As she opened the door, she was relieved to see her son sitting alone on the side of the house. The light was just about gone from the sky, leaving a bleak grey area in the west where the sun had set. Taking a deep breath, she started off towards him.

Instead of badgering him with accusations and questions, Regina decided to take a more passive route -he was twelve now, surely he was old enough to start making his own choices.

She leaned up against the hard wood of the house, receiving a suspicious sideways glance from Henry. They both stood in silence for what seemed like an eternity before one of them spoke up.

"If you want me to apologize, I'm not going to." He said stoutly, folding his arms.

"I wasn't going to make you," Regina replied, "I was just surprised that you could get that angry so fast."

"Well I had a damn good reason for it; your stupid boyfriend has been pretending to like me this whole time. Nothing can get in the way of his merry men stuff. And besides, he likes Roland and him only. The kid is so annoying anyways."

Regina had to hold back her look of surprise; she had never heard him swear before. There was so much hostility and hurt in his voice, it made her remember how conversations with her father went. She immediately knew that she had do something fast to clear his anger- it wouldn't get him anywhere, something she knew all to well about.

"Have I ever told you the story on how I adopted you?"

Henry was taken aback by her question, but he shook his head no.

Regina continued. "I had to drive seven long hours to get to the adoption center. When I got there, I had to fill out all this ridiculous paperwork I didn't want to do. I was impatient and horribly nervous, but all that went away when I saw you. You were the cutest little thing; as soon as I held you for the first time, I knew I loved you." As much as he tried to avoid her eyes, he caught sight of her glowing smile as she talked about him.

"Even though I didn't have you myself, you're still and will always be my son. Now think about Roland- he's never had a mother, that isn't exactly fair, now is it?"

Only silence was her reply.

"I can be a mother to him, and I can be one to you- and love you both the same. And now about Robin..." She paused for a moment, hoping she was affecting him at least a little bit. "He's trying. Give him a break, this is all new for him."

"But he never wants to do anything with me anymore." Henry finally spoke up.

"I think you just need to give him more of a chance," Regina told him, "like I said, he's trying. All this Merry Men stuff is really stressing him out right now. Even I don't know why."

It was dark, but Regina swore she saw his hardened face ease up a bit.

"You're gonna make me apologize, aren't you." Henry said bluntly.

"I'm not going to make you do it, but it'll be awkward if you don't." She replied, "you're old enough to make your own choices. But Roland could really use a brother, Henry, he looks up to you. And I know how long you've been begging me for a little brother."

Henry hadn't recalled those days until right then. "I... Guess so... He's just so annoying! He always wants to do stuff with me," he muttered, causing his mother to laugh.

"Told you he looks up to you." She smiled back at him.

"Okay. Fine, you got me. I'll go talk to Robin." Henry couldn't take the pressure anymore. He didn't like being mad.

Regina sighed in relief as she watched her son walk back towards the house, grateful he had made the right choice- she was a tad skeptical, they were all in uncharted territory. She knew she shouldn't listen in on their conversation, so she turned her attention to Roland when she walked back into the house.

Henry made his way back towards Roland's room where he presumed Robin was, trying to come up with a reasonable apology for him. He stood in the doorway for a second, suddenly wary as to how angry he was, if he were angry at all. But to his relief he saw the man give him a slight smile, letting Henry know he actually wanted to talk to him. The boy walked over to sit next to him on the bed, avoiding all the clutter that scattered the floor.

"Look Robin, I'm really sorry for the way I blew up like that. I didn't mean it to sound as bad as it did," he said hesitantly, deciding to get it over with as fast as possible.

"It's just, my family is kind of crazy. I never thought I would ever have a dad, and then Neal showed up. It's still kind of weird to call him dad, I don't know if I can have another one right now."

Robin sighed. "I'm the one that should be apologizing. I don't want you to think of me as the guy who's just dating your mom. I really do want to get to know you, it's just hard because I've been so busy lately."

"Then why can't I come with you?" Henry asked, sadness evident in his voice.

"You don't understand," Robin said slowly, "there are things happening right now that even I can't control."

Henry was surprised to hear this. He was about to ask what he meant by that, but he soon realized it for himself. "It's because of Mom, isn't it." He soon began to feel nervous inside; whatever was happening, it wasn't good.

"Yeah," Robin confirmed, "but I don't want you to worry. Whatever happens, I won't let anyone hurt you- or Roland, or your mother. Just... Keep it down for a little bit, we have enough to worry about right now."

Nodding slowly, Henry wrapped his arms around Robin's torso. "I'm glad we can be friends at least," he told him, "and I trust you. I- I just want us to be a family, a happy family like the ones in my storybook."

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