John's Past

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I didn't know what to do she was gone. Sarah was gone. My sister Sarah Smith was only a year younger than me. We had a really close relationship, we did everything together. But when I heard those words "John I am really sorry but your sister has just passed away". I felt like I had nothing left, my whole life went down hill and that is when it happened. I started to take drugs and got addicted. No one could stop me, I couldn't even stop myself. Everyone tried to help me. My mum, dad, Richard and Lily all tried to help but nothing worked I ended up fighting with Richard because of it and thats when my parents drew the line. They took me to a specialist and they helped me and I got all clear last year. I was proud of that but certainlly not proud of what I had done. I feel much better and safe now. I have Clara there for me and I know I have my mum and Richard and Lily but most importantly I have Clara and I love her.

This is such a cheesy chapter at the end. Its short but i kind of wanted to talk about Johns past. Comment if you want to read Claras past.

And if you have any ideas do tell me.

Be sure to follow @sm4dden


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