Holding in the truth

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When I got to Lily's house to walk to school with her she said "Clara whats wrong you look like you've just murdered someone". "Aha I'm fine", I lied because the guilt was killing me. "You don't look it", said Lily. "No really Lily I'm fine", I lied again. "Well thats good then", Lily smiled. I smiled back awkwardly.

When we arrived at school we went to the common room and when I saw Lily go over to John and sit on his lap the guilt just kept building up. I sat on an empty seat and pulled my biology book out to distract me. "Hey Clara", I heard a voice coming from behind me. It was Richard. "Hi", I said and he took a seat next to me. "Clara um...John told me what happened last night?", said Richard in his deep scottish accent. "He did what?", I froze. "He told me what happened last night Clara", he repeated. "Oh my god no he can't go telling everyone, Lily can't find out", I panicked. "Wow Clara relax he only told me because I'm his best mate", Richard laughed. "The guilt is killing me Richard", I said. Richard completely ignored my words. "Did you like it?", he said fairly interested in the situation. "Excuse me?", I snapped. "Did you like the kiss Clara?", he asked again. "Erm I am sure that is none of your business Richard Madden", I snapped again. "You did, didn't you I can tell by your face", he smiled. "You can?", I asked rubbing my cheeks. "Can't miss it", he joked and went to talk to his mates. Infact Richard was right I enjoyed the kiss, I really enjoyed the kiss which was bad.


I looked over to see Clara talking to Richard. I could I feel a touch of jealousy go through me but I don't know why because I have Lily and I love her but recently I've developed feelings for Clara. "John snap out of your day dream", said Lily and she crashed her lips to his. He kissed her back fierecly. Lily broke off. "anyways I've got to go see Mr Moffat about lack of effort in Music", said Lily. "I will see you later then", John winked. As soon as he watched Lily walk out the door he looked straight at Clara and Richard.


The bell rang I had english. Great. I sit next to him. "Morning Clara", said Mr Anderson. "Morning sir", I said and took my seat next to John. "Clara", said John. "What?", I looked up at him. "I am so sorry about yesterday I don't know what over came me", said John. "What you did was wrong John but I kissed back which was a mistake and Lily can never find out", I said. "I know Clara", was all he said.

Lily came bursting through the doors of the classroom in a huff. "Whats up with you Miss James?", asked Mr Anderson. "Mr Moffat gave me detention for the entire week!", she shouted. Mr Anderson ignored her. "Wow I've never seen her so angry", I said to John. "Yeah well Mr Moffat really pisses her off and then she likes to take it out on everyone else", said John. "Well she will be like that if she finds out what happened lastnight so make sure she doesn't find out", I demanded. "Okay", said John.

I hated keeping things from Lily but this had to be kept or I will lose my bestfriend and it will break her heart but the guilt is killing me.

"Clara!", squeled Lily as we sat down outside for lunch. "What?", I said.  "My parents are going to be out tonight so I was wondering if you wanted to have a movie night with pizza and drinks. "Drinks as in acohol?", I asked. "Oh I forgot you don't drink", Lily laughed. "Its ilegal Lily and where are you getting the drink from?", I asked. "Richard is getting us it", said Lily. "Okay", I said. "Will you still come though because we will all be there",said Lily doing her best to persuade me. "Fine I will come", I said. Lily's smile grew wide.

The last periods went in fast. I went home and told my dad I was staying over at Lily's.

I knocked on Lily's door and Richard answered. "Hey Clara you came!", he smiled. I went into the living room where there was lots of quilts and bed sheets everywhere. I sat down in between Amy and Martha. "Wheres Lil?", I asked them. "Outside with John", said Martha. "So what you guys wanting to drink?", asked Richard. "Water", I said. "Oh come on Clara just for tonight just once", he smiled at me. I thought about it for a second. I knew it was wrong. "Fine I will have a small glass of wine", I finally gave in. Richard smirked and went to get the drinks. John and Lily came in the room hand in hand. The guilt was most definetly growing. "Here you go Clara", said Richard passing me the glass. "Oh Clara your drinking", said Lily happily. "Yeah but not a lot", I said.

We watched a few movies then decided to play truth or dare. "Okay so everytime you do a truth or dare you take a shot", said Richard everyone nodded but me. "So John truth or dare?", Richard asked. "Dare", he said. "I dare you to kiss Lily full on tongues", said Richard. "Fine", said John and pulled Lily towards him. "Not like we've seen that already", said Amy. John pulled away and downed the shot. The game went on for quite a while and I have to admit everyone was drunk. "Clara you haven't took a shot yet", said Richard his speech was quite slurred. "Here down it", he said handing me the shot. "Go on Clara", said Lily. I downed the shot but after that I took more and I was drunk. Everyone went home apart from me , Richard and John and obvousily Lily because it was her house.

Lily and John wanted to have a bit of alone time so me and Richard went to sit outside. He lit up a cigarette. "You smoke?", I asked. "Only really on occasions not reguraly", he said. "Oh okay", I said. "Your really pretty Clara", said Richard. "Are you just saying this because you are drunk or do you really mean it?", I asked. He through his doubt away and came close to me. "I mean it Clara", he said. I smiled.

'John can I ask you something?, asked Lily.

'Of course you can, whats up ?, asked John.

"Do you still love me?, John was confused.

'Why are you asking? , said John.

'Because you've been acting different with me all week, said Lily.

'Of course I love you Lily, he said kissing her temple.

Lily sat up and kissed him back.

we both went back inside Lily and John were fast asleep and then Richard went to sleep. An hour later I still wasn't sleeping so I went outside for some fresh air. I sat at the picnic table in Lily's garden. I could hear footsteps behind me. It was John. "Why you not in bed Clara?", he asked. "I can't sleep", I said. "Yeah same", he smiled. "Lily asked me something earlier Clara", said John. "And whats that?", I was confused. "She asked me if I still loved her, she said Ive been acting different all week", He explained. "Please tell me you said you love her", I cried. "Well yes I did but-.." I cut him off. "Well stay with her John because I don't want to lose my bestfriend or to see her upset", I said. "But Clara I-I love you", he finished his sentence. "Well I am sorry John but we can't ever work Lily loves you and you love her so please don't break her heart", I said. "Break whose heart?", asked a voice from behind us whom was Lily. Me and John froze. "No one Lily", I said. She came round and sat on John's lap. "You weren't talking about me were you?", asked Lily stroking John's forehead. "Of course not", said John. "Good", she smiled.  We went back to bed and I finally got some sleep.

Okay idek if this chapter makes sense lol

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thanks guys


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