Vikklan : Imagination

Start from the beginning

"Hm...kind of like Robotics for me."

"Yeah, oh I heard you guys's math competition is here this year."

"Oh yeah, the other school is having their cafeteria redone so we are having it here. Right after the basketball game."

"Yeah I heard that. That means I have time to peek in and check and make sure you guys destroy the others."

"Oh you know we will. Know about your game. I may have to make sure you guys are destroying."

"When don't we?"

"Okay class we are starting the chemistry unit." our teacher started.

"Well, I hope to see you at the competition."

"The same to you for the game."

I said as we began to listen to the teacher on the chemistry we were going to learn over the next few weeks.

Science went by fast and soon the other class did too. At the last class of the day, I also have Mitch and Preston. So I told them about me and Jerome's conversation. Mitch of course was extremely jealous and Preston was sad that it was not Rob coming to the game. Rob was Preston's crush that was a senior. I mean we are sophomores. We always mock him on his choice for lust. I suggested that Jerome might bring Rob and Preston really brightened up after that. The math teacher came in and we began on parabolas. I was pretty smart at math so parabolas weren't too big of a problem. I had to help Mitch and Preston but Mitch and I soon finished our homework by the time the bell rang. We quickly packed up and left to our lockers. I put my math in my locker and put my English in my bag. I grab my gym bag and computer and headed over to the cafeteria. I put everything down and pull out my English homework. I saw Preston and Mitch come over and sit down with me. They pull out their homework and we got to working. I had to write 2 pages about the amendments. Preston had some math left. And Mitch had some biology to do. We were pretty silent unless we had questions, in which we just asked either other.

"What is metamorphic rock?"  Mitch asked.

"Rock that has changed shaped from heat and pressure." Preston said.

"Thank you."

"What is the answer to (x+4) +56 = 112?"

"14."  I said.

"14," I heard from behind me. I turn around to see Vikk at the table behind us "Oh sorry. I just thought to help."

"That's certainly alright. Thanks for the help though."

"Looks like you had it, that's pretty fast. Usually I am the fastest with math problems."

"Oh it was nothing." I said going back to my English homework.

I was typing as I heard some commotion in the entree way. I look over to see the other school. Both math team and basketball team walking in. I close my computer and head off to find the coach to tell him the team was early. Mitch and Preston were on my tail as we made our way to Coach Robertson. We arrived at his office to find him just walking out.

"Coach! Coach the team arrived early. They are at the entree way."

He looked pretty surprised and said,

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