Ministar123 - THAT ONE IS CUTE

Start from the beginning

"I know. And she keeps purring."

"So we both have one we want." I said.

"How do we chose?" My love replied.

"Maybeeee both."

"Both?" Vikk asked looking at me as if I was insane.

"Yeah, plus they can keep each other busy."

"Good idea."


"Yes we will get both."

"Now we need names and supplies." I said as we picked up the cats and went over to the adoption front desk.

We filled out boring paperwork and soon had the cats in a carrier and we were walking to Vikk's car.

"Petco?" He said starting up his car as I held the cat carrier.

"Yeah, but because they let pets in. And they can us what to get."

"Okay you get food and I can get the litter box and we can split the task of toys and beds." Vikk said as we got on a main road.

After a short drive, we had arrived at the pet store.

"You got the cats? Or should I get them?" Vikk asked me as I tried to get out of his car.
"I can get them you go get the litter box." I said as we arrived at the door. As we got in there was two major sections. Cats and dogs. We walked over to the cats section and I started to search for food. I found some random brand that sounded really good and had good ingredients. So I picked it up. And continued on with the kitties. I took a picture of the cats on Snapchat and sent it to Vikk saying

mm7- Toys?

I got a snap of the toy section with the comment

How about you grab the bed? Already here

So I walked over to to the bed section when I got a snap of a cute mouse

vs123-How bout this

mm7 - Perfect how's this bed 

vs123- Good does it fit both

mm7 -I don't know want me to test it

vs123- No they don't let you do that 

mm7  - Well i am 

I sent him a picture of the cats in the cute bed. I quickly put the cats back when I saw Vikk come running

"Simon! We can't do that."
"Well we are buying it now, so they can go screw themselves." I said before pulling my cutie in for a kiss.

"Now lets buy this stuff and get home."

"Mkay sweetie." He said as we began our way to the cash register.
We bought the items and went home. The reactions of the boys were hilarious. 
JJ thought we screwed up.

"Um. You guys? You know you have two right?"

"Yes JJ we do."

Then Josh just looked at us and continued on with his editing not even caring. We set up a place for them and let them explore the house. The short one loved to sit in Vikk's shoes. Whilst the other black haired beauty, liked to typing on keyboards. Just to awkwardly paw the letters. After an hour or so, I saw Vikk and asked him

"Okay, do you have some names?"

"Trixie?" He suggested.

"Morris." I said





"Sir Noodles." Vikk said.

I just sighed and asked

"Is it bad that I like that name for the short one?"

"Nope, so Sir Noodles is that one." He said putting at the shorter cat in Vikk's shoes.

"For the other, Luna?"




"Chi Chi."

"Oh Chi Chi. I like that one."

And so JJ Josh Simon Vikk Chi Chi and Sir Noodles lived happily ever after.Ha jk they lived good.

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