'You know what makes me think that even more? Not telling me'

'I know, but it wasn't a date and I'm really sorry. Can I come over and spend some time with you?'

'My aunt is taking me out for the day'

'Oh...well let me know when you are free', Beca said, feeling down.

'Okay. I love you', Chloe spoke.

'I love you too'

Beca put the phone down and reached for her laptop. She had been pulling a few tracks together for a meeting with a producer the next day at five. Rumour had it that the producer wasn't exactly squeaky clean, but Beca was desperate for any kind of new opportunity. Drowning her sorrows in the music, she edited her tracks all day.
'Amy, I need some advice'

'Go ahead, short stack'

Beca was talking to Fat Amy on the phone. She hadn't been able to sleep well the night before because she badly wanted to see Chloe; she explained the whole situation to Amy in hope of getting some advice.

'First of all', Amy started, 'You really should have told her about Jesse'

'I kn-

'I mean, that probably really undermined her confidence. She'll need my butt confidence'


'SECOND of all, why don't you just go over there and declare your love for her?'

'She said she's busy'

'That means that she wants you to come over. Go over there even if she's swamped with stuff to do. It'll show that you care'

'What if she tells me to go away?', Beca whimpered.

'Then you stand there and apologise and tell her how much you love her until she forgives you. She's too important to give up on'

Fat Amy was surprisingly good at giving advice, Beca thought.

After hanging up, Beca made herself a bit more presentable and waited for half past four to roll around. She got in the car and drove away.
'Hi', Beca said as she edged her way into the room. She was nervous.

She made her way over to a chair and sat down.



'Don't you have a meeting with a producer later?', Chloe asked, her voice containing a hint of happiness.

'I'm supposed to be in it now, but I thought of something more important to do'

'That could be your future, Becs'

'The meeting could be my future. You are my future. You're definite'

Chloe began to cry, so Beca walked to the window- where the redhead was looking out of- and held her.

'I'm sorry, Beca...I've hardly seen you for three months and then you don't tell me about meeting Jesse for the first time in a long time...I felt insecure and I should have talked to you about it like an adult', Chloe rambled.

'I should have told you about seeing Jesse...Please don't be insecure', Beca said, wiping a tear from the ginger's eye.

'I feel insecure all the time'

'Do you realise how beautiful you are?'

'You get insecure too. I can tell'

The brunette looked down at her feet in embarrassment.

'I saw the way you reacted when that girl was talking to me in the club'

Just a couple of weeks earlier, a girl had approached Chloe in a club that her and the Bellas were visiting. Unlike the guy who had hit on Chloe at the last Bella club outing, she was just being friendly when she gave the redhead a kiss on the cheek. However, Beca assumed the worst and spent the rest of the night moping at a table on her own.

'She was hot...I worry that you'll find someone hotter'

'You're gorgeous and I love you more than anything in the world', Chloe said, hugging Beca tightly, 'Stop putting yourself down'

'If I need to stop putting myself down, then you do too'

'I'll try'

The two hugged for a while, until Beca suggested lying down on the bed together. She was facing Chloe when she asked her a question.

'What are you most self-conscious about?'

'Umm...I guess the scar on my forehead, my hands...and my stomach sometimes'

Gently, Beca kissed her scar, squeezed her hands and then kissed her abdomen over her shirt.

'I love all of them', she told her.

Chloe smiled.

'What are you most self conscious about?'

'Well I don't like my hair that much...and I hate my stomach sometimes too'

'What? I love your hair! And your stomach is perfect the way it is', Chloe said as she ran a hand through her hair and kissed her.

'I really do love you'

'I really love you too'

Beca pulled her into an embrace.

'Don't ever leave me. You're too important, Chlo'

Chloe breathed in the fresh smell of Beca's hair and snuggled into her neck.

'As long as you want me, I'll be there'

'Can you be there forever?'

The girls lay in a warm embrace until they fell asleep. Beca stayed the night.

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