'Woo, there goes the dominatrix!', said Fat Amy.

Chloe sat up and tried to hide the fact that she was really turned on.
Truth or Dare had ended, and Beca had changed back into her PJs. A horror movie was playing, but a couple of Bellas had managed to drift off to sleep, exhausted from the past few days.

'Let's prank them', Beca whispered to the Bellas that were awake.

The Bellas left the room quietly, leaving Stacie and Cynthia Rose asleep on the floor. Firstly, the phone rang, waking the two girls. Next, when there was no answer, the lights were flicked on and off. When Stacie was practically latched onto Cynthia's arm, a loud bang hit the window and through the door burst Beca wearing a mask. Unfortunately, because the short girl ran up behind the girls, Cynthia Rose quickly turned around and socked her in the stomach.

'Oh, shit', Beca had the air knocked out of her as she collapsed to her knees.

Cynthia soon realised her mistake.

'I am so, sorry, but maybe that will teach you a lesson for next time!'

The Bellas ran to Beca's side, making sure she was okay. Chloe helped her up on to the sofa and kissed her forehead. She then joined her on the sofa to put an arm around her.

'Let's do something less dangerous', Chloe said.

'Never have I ever', Stacie suggested, suddenly wide awake.

'Never have I ever been almost killed by CR', Fat Amy laughed.

The girls all raised their hand, while Beca sat still, nursing her stomach.

'Let's play a different game', Beca said.

'Let's play that touching game', Emily offered.

The Bellas had no idea what she was on about.

'You know, someone is blindfolded and they have to guess what body part they're touching'

'I saw that on YouTube!', Jessica said.

Fat Amy was the first to be blindfolded. Her finger was placed on Emily's tongue.

'It's wet and bumpy...like a night with Chloe and Beca', Amy spoke.

'Oh, Amy, gross!'

'It's someone's tongue. I don't know who it belongs to though'

The next Bella to wear the blindfold was Chloe. Her hand was placed under Beca's shorts, over her underwear.

'Beca's ass'

'How did you guess that so quickly?', Fat Amy asked.

'I've felt it many times'

Stacie was blindfolded. Her finger was placed on the back of Chloe's neck.

'What the hell is that?'

She was struggling to guess, so ended up with a forfeit. She had to drink a glass of raw egg. It didn't go down well.

After a while, it was Beca's turn to be temporarily blinded.

'I have got literally no idea'

Beca was touching the bone underneath Ashley's knee. Her forfeit was to do ten pressups while having a bag of ice held on her back. It was uncomfortable, but she did it.

'That was way too easy. I was gagging!', Stacie exclaimed.

'I'm just really hardcore', Beca answered, feeling cocky.

'Ice bath', Fat Amy said.

And with that, bags of ice were tipped into the bath and the small girl was hauled upstairs.
She dipped a foot under the icy water.

'Holy ffffff...I am not doing that!', she shouted.

'Ice bath or more awkward sex questions?', Stacie cackled.

'Ice bath', Beca said, voice full of defeat.

'Isn't this dangerous?', Chloe asked. She was worried about Beca.

Before anyone could answer Chloe, Beca lowered her whole body into the freezing cold water.


The girls counted to twenty seconds, barely able to hold back their laughter as the 'badass' made a number of facial expressions. After twenty seconds, the brunette was lifted from the bath. She couldn't move from her spot on the floor.

Grabbing a towel, Chloe wrapped it around her shoulders. She then went to Beca's room to bring back a fresh, dry pair of PJs.

'I've gotta give it to you, small one, you can be quite hardcore', Fat Amy complimented.

'I'm s-s-so g-glad that you th-think so. Th-this was s-s-so worth it', Beca stuttered.

'We'll call it a night', Cynthia Rose said, still giggling.

Chloe came in with a spare change of PJs and asked everyone to leave the bathroom.

'Oh look at you, looking all vulnerable', Chloe said.

Beca rolled her eyes.

'Sorry, I forgot you like to take control', the redhead winked.

'S-so y-y-you're t-teasing me too now?', Beca winked back.

Chloe dried her girlfriend off and helped her into the dry shorts and shirt she had retrieved. Feeling her still-icy skin, she gave her a big hug in an attempt to warm her.

'Can we go and cuddle in a blanket now?'

'Your badass is fading', the redhead quipped. She carried Beca downstairs on her back.

'Hey, look who's back!', Flo said when she saw the two.

Everyone started to settle in their sleeping positions. Chloe and Beca snuggled up together on the sofa, the taller one acting as the 'big spoon'.

'I'm really sad to be leaving', the redhead said aloud.

'Me too', Stacie agreed, 'But this doesn't mean the end of us Bellas'

'Good, because I can't imagine life without any of you', Chloe smiled.

'Where are you staying when you leave, Chloe?', Flo asked.

'I'm staying with my aunt for a while and then who knows where I'll be'

'What about Beca?'

'I'll be wherever she is', Beca answered, earning a kiss on the head from Chloe.

After an hour of general chatter, the room grew silent and peaceful.
And Chloe dreamt about Beca in that outfit.

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