'Really, Beca?'


'I've wanted to hear that for so long', Chloe cried, overcome with so many feelings.

Beca kissed Chloe harder than ever before, not caring who saw.
The Bellas soon noticed, and cheered. Stacie grinned and patted them on the back.

'And the winners of the Worlds are...The Barden Bellas of the United States of America', the voice on the speaker boomed.

The Bellas screamed and collapsed into a heap of emotion.

It was the best day of their lives.
After the competition, they celebrated with drinks at a local bar. They were flying home the next day, so they returned to the hotel later that night without being too drunk.

'We're going to celebrate more when we get home, okay?', Stacie announced.

'Definitely', Beca agreed, 'I'm so happy for us!'

'I'm happy for us, and I'm also happy for a certain pair of people', Cynthia Rose winked in Beca's direction.

'Me too', grinned Chloe.

'See you tomorrow everyone, well done!', Flo called.

The Bellas headed back to their rooms, singing to themselves in happiness. Beca and Chloe were left in the hallway.

Beca took Chloe's hands in hers and pulled her close.

'You never said you loved me back'

'I love you Beca', Chloe said, kissing her cheek. She moved her hands so that they were on Beca's rear. Beca rested hers on Chloe's hips.

'Am I staying over tonight?', Beca breathed into her ear, their faces brushing.

'When do you not stay over?'

'Good point'

In an instant, Beca sweeped Chloe up into her arms and opened the hotel door. Anyone would think that they had just got married.

Once in the room, she made her way to the bed, slowly letting her friend drop onto it. Then, she dimmed the lights and cuddled her. Chloe ran her fingers through the brunette's hair while Beca stared at her lips.

'You're perfect', the redhead whispered.

'Stop talking to yourself', Beca said, moving her hand in circles on Chloe's back.

'That feels really good'

'I'm great at massages- that's another surprise fact about me'

Chloe turned onto her stomach, hinting at what she wanted. The brunette rolled her eyes, but climbed onto the girl's back, pulling up her shirt. She kneaded gently for half an hour until she knew that Chloe had fallen asleep. Carefully, she began to kiss the back of her neck to wake her. Chloe awoke and rolled over, Beca tilting slightly so that she could still sit on top of her.

'That was...so...'

Beca kissed her before she could finish what she was saying.

'I'll give you something in return', Chloe said, pulling away from her face.

She made Beca rest on her back, before latching onto her neck. Sliding a hand down Beca's torso, she lifted her shirt up, pulling it over her head. The short girl was wearing a white lace bra. Chloe kissed along the edge of the lace, then teased a hand on Beca's inner thigh, gripping tightly and making the girl moan. The brunette held Chloe's hips as the redhead made her way back up to kiss Beca's cheek.

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