'Nope. All fun, no work'

'Sounds good, short stack. What do I have to bring?'

'Swimsuit and sunscreen'

'Well I think we can work out where we're going', Stacie joked.

'It's a good job I did my bikini line yesterday', Fat Amy said.

Just as Stacie and Amy started to go upstairs to pack, Chloe came down.

'Morning. What's going on?'

'I'm taking everyone out on a trip. Pack your bikini, Beale', Beca told her.

'Ooh, yay! I'll round the girls up!'

At 10am, the bus was departing. The journey to the beach took just under an hour. On arrival, the Bellas swarmed the sand with their bags and towels.

Fat Amy ran straight for the glittering sea. She jumped in and splashed Flo, Emily and Lily, who were enjoying a calm swim. Meanwhile, Beca rolled a towel onto the golden sand and rested herself on it.

'Aren't you coming in?', Chloe asked.

'I'm not...big on the ocean'

'Oh come on, spoilsport', the redhead teased, 'I'll hold your hand'

Beca stayed firmly on her towel.

Suddenly, Stacie was lifting her from the floor and carrying her towards the sea. Beca squirmed furiously, but couldn't escape her grip. Jessica, Ashley, Chloe and Cynthia Rose were laughing hard.
As Stacie edged the water, she pretended to throw the girl into the water, making Beca have a mini heart attack. Gently, she dropped her down. Then, when Beca thought she was safe, she pushed her into the water.

'Hey, I could drown!, Beca shouted as she steadied herself.

Chloe joined her in the water and grabbed her hand, pulling her deeper.

'I'm really not comfortable with this'

'You actually have a fear, don't you?', Chloe asked, concerned.

'Yes, I do. So if I could just get out, that would be great', Beca mumbled.

'What is it that scares you?'

'You can't see what's in the water. Something could drag you under and you don't know how deep it is sometimes until you try to step and you drop', Beca spoke at about ninety miles an hour.

'Okay. Just stay at waist height with me. I'll make sure none of the girls do anything stupid around you', Chloe reassured her.

Beca felt silly. It was like she was a child who was being judged by everyone for being a wimp. However, the other Bellas were now too busy throwing a beach ball around to notice, and Chloe certainly didn't think any less of her.

Then, the beach ball landed in front of Beca. Not wanting to be a 'spoilsport', she threw it into the air and pounded it over to Emily.

After playing with the beach ball for a while, some of the girls went to get an ice cream or went to their towels to sunbathe. Beca was feeling slightly more relaxed in the water, but still felt the need to escape now that she had the chance.

'Fancy an ice cream?', Beca asked Chloe.

'Is that an excuse to leave the water?', Chloe laughed.


They were slightly deeper in the water now, so Chloe swam forwards and wrapped her arms around Beca's waist, pulling her closer.

'You've been amazing for trying', the redhead smiled.

'Do I get a gold star?', Beca smirked.

'Sorry, that was patronising. I just mean that you've been brave'

Before Beca could reply, Stacie swam over and asked if she could talk to Chloe alone.

'Sure. I'll be on the towels', the brunette said as she headed towards the sand.

'What's the deal?', Stacie questioned.

'What do you mean?, Chloe was confused.

'You and Beca. It's more than just playful flirting, Chloe'

The ginger froze, not knowing what to say.

'Your silence speaks volumes', Stacie continued.

'Nothing's really going on yet. We're just close'

'Cynthia Rose and I are close, but we don't act like you do, practically drooling over each other'

Chloe stayed tight-lipped for a second.

'Okay, okay. We like each other, but you can't say anything. We're not together, so you can't spread it around', Chloe said quietly.

Stacie squealed happily.

'I knew it! So do you want to be together?'

The redhead nodded and smiled.

'This is adorable!'

'You can't say ANYTHING though, Stacie. We're not "official" yet and I really don't want to mess this up', Chloe said nervously.

'Have you even told Aubrey yet?'

Chloe shook her head, which shocked Stacie.

'Wow, okay, well your secret is safe with me. I wouldn't wanna mess up your chances'

Chloe gave her a hug to say thank you.

'Okay, now go over there and see her!', Stacie giggled.

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