Chapter 29: Winning

Start from the beginning



"What am i?"

"A girl, stupid! What are you getting at?"

"No! I know that! I mean am I one of you or am I still your kidnapee or however you wanna put it!"

He finished my wirst and looked at me in serious thought. " You'd have to ask Eli, but either way you've saved our asses twice and your a pretty good fighter so I -

"Pretty good fight high on drugs" I corrected him.

"Okay a excellent fighter on drugs, but there's no money anymore in cage fighting! You'd be a interesting part of the group! But your still never allowed to leave."

I took in what he said for a moment, I wasn't still 100% if i had there trust. I wasn't ever going to leave. MY family was dead, everyone thought I was dead. Even if i did escape i'd be found again due the tracker on me and i'd be tortured. Life for me was grim. But its something i had to deal with. They were my family now in some strange ways. I looked up to Jasper who was still looking at me in thought. "Do you trust me enough to take this tracker off?"


We both jumped from our spots and turned around to see Eli stood in the door way. How long had he been there? I frowned at him. "well?" He walked towards me and stroked the side of my face.

"I will NEVER trust you. That thing will always stay on you. Yes you are ours still but you will work for us as one of us!"

"What?! Even though last time i was left alone, I killed out Chase and his gang?"

"That was self defence because they were after you!"

"Actually, they after your drugs, money and weapons. You do relised chase works for Tyler right?"

"What how do you know that?"

"I looked at the guns Tyler and Chase used, they were both similar. Plus I heard Tyler talk about you. He wants me to fight for him and he's going to kill you. He's also someone else I think working for him. I'm not sure though, but he says you've become a hassle"

Eli slammed his fist on the counter next to me. "DAMN IT INDIE! why didn't you tell me before?"

"I only just remembered" I answer honestly.

He composed himself and turned towards Jasper. "Get the others were going to see Elliot, phone ahead" Jasper nodded and left the room. After a few minutes he came back with them all. Arebella not with them.

"I phoned ahead. He only wants the group not our new addition, we can't leave her here she'll escape?" Jasper said referring to Arebella.

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