A Walk Through Hell 11

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Skylar had a weird way of taking care of the people around her.  She could read the emotions of the ones around her better than most people, and could feel and sympothise with your pain, as if she'd been feeling the exact same thing.

"Dear Liz,

Please take care of me.

Love always, your heart."

She'd written me this note, when she'd realized I'd started waking up early to go running, and not eating much.   On top of that, Jaimie and I hadn't been talking as much, since I'd try to run away with John.

"What is this, Sky?" I asked her, taking a drink of the cup of water I'd poured for myself.

"It's a message from your heart."  She smiles sweetly, brushing my hair from my face.  "Take care of it."  She says, walking out the door.  Paul, Jaimie, and Liam had spent a lot of time together outside, playing around in the grass and doing whatever it is that guys do.  I look at the window as she runs up to Paul, his turning and giving all of his attention to her.  I sigh.  I don't want all of Jaimie's attention 24/7,  I just want some of it, some times.   I walk into the bathroom, looking into the mirror.     I'd always parted my hair pretty far to the left, and never really bothered with bangs.  My hair was naturally straight, and feel however it honestly pleased, so there was no point in cutting it in any cute way shape or form.  I sigh, staring at myself a while.

"What is it that she has, that I don't?" I think, looking down at myself.  I wear a T-shirt and jeans.   I don't feel pretty, or even average.  I feel disgusting.  I stick my finger down my throat, and throw up into the toilet.  I sigh again, standing up and walking back into the kitchen, drinking the rest of my glass of water.  I watch them play, and dance around.  Mostly, I look at Sky.  Skylar has a short pixie-bob hair style, and huge blue eyes.  She's gorgeous, and she knows it.  She has to know it.   She doesn't wear makeup, or anything any overly blinged accessories, just... dresses.  

I grab a knife from the drawer, examining it.  

"If I do this, I don't have to die.  I just need to relieve stress." I think, walking back into the bathroom.  I decide to cut on my hips, becuase nobody ever sees my hips.  Especially not Jaimie, as of recent.  As the bleeding comes to a stopping point, I pull my pants back over the cuts.  I sigh as I walk out of the bathroom, looking around.  Jaimie and Liam sit  at the table, Paul and Sky on the couch.  This house is filled with pairs, and there doesn't seem like theres much of a place for me.  I walk up to Jaimie, kissing him on the cheek, and then I walk outside.   I don't know how long I'd been walking before I decided to stop, I sit down on the edge of a bridge running over the river.  As I look down at the water gushing past, I let out a sigh of relief.  If I was going to be alone, I'd rather be alone with out people around me.  I sit a while, before I hear foot steps behind me, and soon theres a figure sitting next to me.  I look over, and this person isn't anyone I recognize.

"Hi."  He says, looking over at me, smiling. 

"Hello." I smile back at him.

"What brings you so far into the woods like this?"  The person asks.

"What brings you to talk to random girls this far into the woods?" I rebute. 

He laughs, looking down at our feet in the water.

"My names Jeremy." He says, kicking his feet.

"Elizabeth," I say. "Call me Liz." 

It's quiet for a while, before a familiar figure appears.  Paul and Jaimie were out together, they were probably looking for me.  I wasn't even out that long, 10-20 minutes tops. I look at Jeremy, his face a bit confused and mouth the word "run." before standing and running away.  Jeremy follows behind me, a backpack slung over his shoulder.  I run a while, and eventually we take shelter uner a big oak tree.  I breathe in the fresh air, and look at Jeremy. 

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