A Walk Through Hell (♡A special feature♡)

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How Skylar and Paul came to be, A special.

Narrated by Sky. 

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I awoke in yet another small one bedroom apartment,  Leo had left to buy drugs, or milk, or whatever it was that Leo bought when he left the house in the morning.   I looked in the mirror, the small bruise under my eye had begun to heal, and the split in my lip was doing the same. 

"You don't know what I've been through! You don't know what I've done for you!" He would always tell me, either before, or after the beatings.  I apply foundation and concealer to the wounds, and pull my dress over my head.  This dress was my favorite,  it had three real turqoise buttons down the front, and the prettiest lace detailing on the bottom seam.   I look in the mirror, practicing my fake smiles, and eventuall I exit the compacted bathroom, and move towards, what supposedly was our kitchen.  Leo walked in the door as I walked out, and gave me the same cocky smile he'd always warn.  

"You look hot, babes."  He says, pinching my butt as he passes me.  I wince, but don't dare make a sound. I'd made that mistake one too many times.   I just smile at him, and kiss his cheek. 

"Leo, Can we pretty please go to the park today?"  I batt my eyelashes, and he eventually gives in.  

"Fine, but you gotta go to the club with me tonight then."   I roll my eyes,  but agree to those terms and conditions.   We pile into his car,  and he drives me to the park.  The park has the biggest, prettiest red-wood tree you'd ever see, and the inside of it was hollowed out, so they'd built a latter for kids to climb on inside of it, though their parents never did seem to let them, so it was a free for all hiding place.   Leo and I sit in the tree a while, and eventually his phone goes off.  From my end all I can really hear is mumbling, and then he stands.  

"Hey babes, I gotta go.  You'll find a way home, right?"  He lets off this semi-wink, smirk thing, and all I can really do is nod.  Even if I had said no, he wouldn't have listen to me anyway.   Leo gets up, and I'm left sitting by myself in a large redwood tree.  I look up to see the light at the top peaking through shamelessly, and I breathe in a breath of frustration.  Eventually, I stand to my feet and go to walk around.  I see boys skateboarding, and girls watching the skateboarding boys, and boys watching the girls who are watching the skateboarding boys, and it's almost like a cycle.  I walk up to the icecream stand, and notice they've raised the prices.  I dig into the pocket of my cardigan, and pull together a total of 36 cents.  I hear my stomach grumble a little, but I have to ignore it.    Suddenly a boy walks up behind me.

"Which one's your favorite?"  He smiles sweetly at me. 

"Oh... umm... I think strawberry."  I can't help but smile back at his beautiful perly whites.

"Strawberry it is, then."   Before I can question it, he walks up to the window and orders a strawberry icecream in a cup.   As he walks back towards me, he hands it to me, and smiles politely, motioning me to walk with him.   

"Thank you so much...umm... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."  I say, embarassed. 

"Paul, and you, beautiful?"   He chuckles. 

"Skylar. Sky for short."  I giggle back at him.  

"Well Sky, it was really nice meeting you."  Paul says, and before I can even respond he's on his way.   He's kept me company for most of the walk home, and the rest is rather easy anyway.  I ditch the icecream cup, so Leo won't notice, and walk inside.   In the living room, I see Leo and some random girl, doing the dirty on the couch.  Now, I know what you're probably thinking. You're thinking, "Why are you with this scumbag, Skylar?"  and to be honest, I haven't the slightest clue.   He gives me a place to live, and food to eat, and all he asks for in return is to have sex with other girls. Which, yes, is rather bad, but if I were to say anything, he wouldn't let me stay with him anymore, and I would be left on the streets, and I can barely defend myself against him, let alone the random people on the streets who'd try to do things to me.  I walk into our bedroom, and get ready to go "clubbing."  that night.  Clubbing, by Leo's standards, is getting piss drunk and yelling at me for whatever he really thinks is wrong with me that day.   I take out a pair of shorts and a dark blue colored blouse.  It takes everything in my power to remove my clothes when Leo is home, because he's the type of person to come in, after having sex with one person, and ask for more.   Thankfully, this time, I'm in the clear. 

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