A Walk Through Hell 3

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two up today guys. sorry if it's annoying, but i have a lot of time on my hands!  

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I'd fallen asleep at Paul's house the night previous, and Jaimie had done the same.  At one point that night, Paul had retired to his own bedroom, leaving Jaimie and I alone in the futon.  When I awoke, his head was in my lap. I looked down at him, his body still in slumber, he seemed so peaceful, I didn't want to wake him.  Though, I did run my fingers through his hair, it was soft, he must have taken pretty good care of it.   His eyes slowly begun to open, and he looked up at me.

"Good morning," I smiled.  He just blinked, looking into my eyes.  "Where am I?" He asks, still a little bit lost in his slumber.  I just giggled. "You're at Pauls house, with your head in my lap, and if you've forgotten, I'm Liz."   He sits up.  "Oh, Hi." He smiles now.  "He's so cute," I think allowed as Jaimie walks to the bathroom.  He pokes his head out the door, and says "Right back at'cha."  I can't help but laugh out loud, as I turn my head to look at the clock. "1 P.M."   My heart sinks.   

I jump out of the bed and run up the stairs.  "PAUL YOU NEED TO GET UP." I scream.

"Wha...."  He murmers, barely moving.

"I need you to give me a ride home, NOW." He sits up, looking at the clock. 

"Holy Shit Liz."  He calls out, jumping out his bed, and throwing his pants on.

"IT'S NOT LIKE I DON'T KNOW IT."  On top of me being late, Paul was due to be at the airport to meet his parents in an hour.   His parents often traveled for work, and with our springbreak coming up, they'd invited him to come down to spend time with them.  To say they had a lot of money, would be an understatement.  We both scrambled around him room, him trying to get ready, me trying to be sure I don't look like a homeless person.  I'd be getting it for being late, so I didn't want the impact doubled for not looking good.

Jaimie came up the stairs, and into Paul's room.  

"What's going on?" He asks.  Paul and I both look at each other, dropping everything.

"nothing."  We say simaltaniously.

"Hey Jaimie, can you take Liz home? I need to go to the airport."  I look at Paul with a confused expresion. Jaimie couldn't take me home. What if Tom asked about him? What would I say? 

"Sure." Jaimie smiles.

I can't take much time to think, as I rush him down the stairs, and force him to open the car doors.

"Are you late for something?" He asks me, as he starts his car.

"Yeah,  I guess you could say that."  I respond, pointing in the direction to go.

As we drive he concentrates, and yet hangs on my every word.  When I say left, He prepares till the very last second,  and so on for right, and straight.  When we reach my street, I tell him the wrong house on purpose.  "Bye, thank you so much Jaimie, you're a great friend."  I say, kissing his cheek as a thank you.  He turns bright red then, but i don't have time to laugh at him.  I run towards my house, as I see his car roll by me.  "Why didn't you just have me drop you off at your house, Liz?"   I panic.  I can't tell him.

"My dad's really over protective. I don't want him asking questions is all." I smile, running away. 'Ugh,' I think.  I didn't want him to see me, and I didn't want him to think I was a liar.  I run up my walk way, and sneak into the house.  Though it's a failure, because of our creaky as shit door. "What a grace for you to show up.”  Tom says, looking up from a game of cards with Caroline.  Thank god for Caroline.  She was like his prize, he would never do anything bad in front of her, which meant I was free... for now. 

Late that night, as I slept, I heard a person enter my room. I assumed it was Caroline, who’d had a bad dream.  “What’s the matter sweety?” I ask, not seeing the figure in the darkness.

“Sweetie, I like that.”  A male voice says, moving closer to me.  It’s a heavily intoxicated Tom, moving closer to me.  

“Tom, I think you’re in the wrong room.” I say. But he shushes me, moving closer.  Soon I can feel his hands on my breasts, caressing them.  “Tom it’s me, Liz.” I beg. 

“I know.” He moans into my neck, kissing it as he pulls my sweats off of me.

“Tom stop.” I’m begging him, but he does nothing but continue.

Soon he’s pulled my sweats and my panties off, plus my shirt.  Now all I have on is my bra, and I hope to god he let’s me keep it on as he pulls his own pants off.  “He won’t really do it.” I think.  “He’s just gonna toss me around a bit.”  I try so hard to fool myself, but I can’t. As he climbs on top of me, I try with all my might to fight him, before he’s completely holding me down, thrusting himself inside of me.   After what seems like hours of Tom’s “fun”, he puts his clothes back on, and leaves. 

After he’s done with me, I feel filthy.  The dears streaming down my face, the sobs I let out.  I put my clothes back on, and move around my room, gathering random nececities.  

“Where am I supposed to go?” I think, as I climb down the drain.

All I know is I’m running, and never coming back.  I can’t go to Paul’s house, he’s not home.  He’s long gone by now, and he won’t be back for weeks.  But as I continue running, I run into a familiar face.  

“Oof.” We both say, as I run straight into a skinny figure.

“Liz?” The person says.  I know that voice, I’d know it anywhere.

“Jaimie, what are you doing out here so late?” I ask.

“It’s only 11 o’clock Liz.  I  was taking the dog out to pee... Hey, are you crying?”  He asks, I put my hand to my face, and sure enough, my tears have continued to run as I ran down the street.

“Hey, do you wanna come inside?” He asks, leading me up his door step. 

As we walk into his house, I notice an extreme lack of people.  But I can’t seem to ask why, or how he was here alone.  “My Mom’s outa town for the weekend.”  He says, sitting me down on the couch.   He seems confused, like he’s never had a random class mate run into him crying at 11 o’clock at night.  Okay, that is strange, but hey! I was upset, what the hell could I do? 

“Jaimie,”  I sob.  “Yeah Liz?” He respondes.  “Can I just have a hug? I really need a hug.”  the tears don’t seem to stop flowing down my cheeks.  “Anything for you Liz.” He says, sitting down on the couch next to me, and embracing me.  I rest my head on his shoulder, and finally all the sobs and tears stop.  He goes to let go, but I tighten my grip. 

“Don’t leave me,” I say. “Please don’t leave me.”  

He just nods his head, It feels like a no, but I can’t really tell from his shoulder.

“I wouldn’t think of it.” He says, picking me up.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask as he walks me down the hall.

“We’re gonna sleep together in my bed, okay?”

“NO.” I scream.  He whinces. “I don’t want to sleep with anybody.” I feel the tears come back.

“Not like that, Liz.  We’re gonna lay down, and rest.” He reassures.  My sobbing continues, but I finally nod yes.  Jaimie lay’s me down in his bed, and climbs in next to me, looking me in the eyes.  “Do you wanna talk about it?” He asks. I can tell he’s trying really hard to not upset me further, but he really does seem to want to know.  

“I don’t have a dad.” I whisper.

“Hmm? Continue,”  He says.

“My mom’s boyfriend, he lives with us. And He...” I can’t continue.

“Did he hurt you Liz?”  He asks.

I nod yes. 

He pulls me in closer to him.  I can hear his heart beat now.  “Don’t worry Liz, as long as you’re with me, nobody can hurt you,” He comforts me. “I promise.” 

A Walk Through Hell *ABANDONED*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu