A Walk Through Hell 4

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I woke up the next morning, my head on Jaimie's chest.  His fingers circled my hip, above where the bruise was.  From what I could tell, he'd lifted my shirt high enough to see it. "You can touch it," I say, looking down at my hip, though I did not lift my head from his chest. 

"Oh!" He says, lifting his hand.  I just smile, taking it with my free hand, and putting it back where it was.  "You're keeping me warm." I smile, looking up into his eyes.  I realized I must have looked like a mess, but I couldn't bring myself to leave Jaimie's side. 

"Can you tell me what happened, now?" He says, looking me in the eyes.  

"My mom's boyfriend hit's me a lot anf some times he comes home drunk and last night he made me have sex with him and it's not the first time he's done it, and i don't wanna go home and i have no where to go because Paul isn't here and I'm lost and lonely and I don't have anybody when Paul isn't here and I..."  I say, as if it was all one word. But Jaimie cuts me off. 

"You have me, now."  He smirks, giving me a slight squeez.  I feel his heart beat hasten as he says it, as if he's nervous I won't accept him.  Truth be told, I couldn't not accept Jaimie.  He was the first person to make me smile, like truly smile, outside of Paul since I'd lost Kate.  We both get out of his bed, and to say that I was sore would be the under-statement of the century.  I realize this, as I walk threw the halls of Jaimie's house. For a one story, his house is pretty big.  When I find him, he's in the kitchen with a woman, whom I presume to be his mother.

"Oh...Hello." The woman says, looking at me, and then at Jaimie, her face seems confused. Which I suppose I would be, too, if a random girl walked out of your son's room, who was not there when you had left him home alone the night's previous.

"Mom, this is Liz," Jaimie says, motioning towards me. "Liz, this is my mom."

We exchange glances, and then smiles, and then eventually she says the first word. "It's nice to meet you, Liz. But if you don't mind my asking, why exactly are you here?"  Jaimie looks at me, and then comes to my rescue.  "She's my new friend from school. She came over last night to watch movies, but we fell asleep, so of course she spent the night." He says, as if it was completely scripted, and he's practiced for ages. 

"Oh," His mother says. "Well it's nice to meet you, Liz." She smiles.  

"Liz is gonna be staying with us for a while, okay mom?" Jaimie continues.  

My eyes widen. "WHAT?" I'm screaming inside, but I can't seem to get any words to leave my mouth. Which, I don't have time to speak any way, before his mother answers.

"Well alright, but if you get her pregnant I aint raisin' yall's child." His mother says straight faced.  What even just happened? I think, as Jaimie laughs, and leads me about his house, giving me the tour.  They didn't have a guest room, which I didn't mind to much. His bed was rather large, which gave us both a comfortable fit. Besides, who wouldn't want to sleep next to the sweetest boy on the planet?  I certainly wouldn't be denying the offer. 

"Do you need anything?" Jaimie asks, putting his arm around my shoulder. 

"Oh well..uh... where is the shower?" I ask, aprehensively.  I didn't really want to impose on their family like this, but at the same time I was dying to clean myself.  Jaimie just smiled and led me to the bathroom.  His mother stayed at so many hotels, she'd collected a veriety of body washes, and shampoos.  Jaimie helped me adjust the water, and showed me where to find a towel before exiting the bathroom completely. I climb into the shower, and stand under the water as the heat runs shivers up my back.  I don't know what it is about being in this shower, but before I know it, I'm on the floor, holding my knees, crying.   Can a shower really give you that much emotion? Soon I hear the door open, and as I look up I realize it is only cracked. Apparently my sobs had been pretty loud, because I hear Jaimie's voice call,

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