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Scarlet's POV

My name is Scarlet Rae Sanford, but most people call me Scar.

"Scarlet, so help me if I have to come up there and get you myself, I'm gonna beat your ass!"

And that falcon screeching right now is my mother. Don't worry though, this is normal. I brace myself as I hear loud footsteps approaching my room.

"Scarlet, do you hear me?" My mom bursts into my room. "I've been calling your name for five minutes!"

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't hear y-"

I was interrupted by a hand connecting with my cheek. I'm so over this bullshit, but I know there's nothing I can do about it. She pushed me into my closet mirror as it shattered beneath my skin. I felt another sting on my cheek.

"Listen here! If I call your name again and you don't answer, I won't hesitate to come back, do you understand me?"

I nodded.

She made her way out of my room, knocking various things over on the way. When I knew she was gone, I got up and adjusted myself, running my finger down the glass of the broken mirror.

I'm 17 years old and I'm fairly small, only 5'4". Right now I have purple hair but it's a little faded. It hasn't been dyed since the last time my mom was in a good mood a few weeks back. She took my sister, Grace, and I out to get our hair dyed and Grace even got her nose pierced. It would have been my Dad's 36th birthday. He died 6 years ago. I was only 11 and losing him was the worst feeling that I've ever had. Since then my mom has been in and out of prison for drug and alcohol abuse. Not child abuse, though. No one knows about that. No one even knows she has kids.

I knew that as soon as my mom left my room she would go straight across the hall to Grace's room. At this point, Grace is the only person I have. My mom pulled us out of school when my dad died.

I sat on my bed for a while, just thinking of ways to escape everything. It was only a matter of time before I realized that I was shoving my things into a duffle bag. I looked at my reflection in the newly shattered mirror.

"This is it."

Gracelyn's POV
I've always wondered what it'd be like to be a different person. One who doesn't have to deal with what I do. Then I realize, how could I, a 15 year old girl, leave this Hell that I'm forced to call home?

Everyday is the same thing. My mom wakes up - very late mind you, has a drink, harasses my sister for a while, does the same to me, and then goes downstairs for another drink. I know, I know. If its always the same thing then why not try to avoid it? Well the answer to that question is, I know that my mother is stronger than me.

"Gracelyn!" Speak of the devil.


"How many times have I told you to get this room cleaned?"

I looked around at my spotless room.

"It is clean."

She swiped my things off of my desk and onto the floor.

"Um, no, it isn't! And I'm sick of your smartass remarks!" I closed my eyes as she raised her hand but as soon as she got it in the air I heard a shatter, and a thump.

When I opened my eyes I saw my sister standing over the Devil himself with a broken glass bottle.

"Scar, what the h-" I started.

"Gracie, come on, we don't have much time." She put a bag on the floor and started tossing my belongings into it. I watched her for a while, still in shock. "I said come on! Help me!"

Once I realized what was happening at that moment, I grabbed random clothing items and quickly dropped them in the bag. Scar zipped up the bag and started walking out of the door.

"Wait, what's going on?" I asked.

"We're leaving, now let's go."

And with that, Scar was dragging me out of the room. On my way out, I kicked my mom in the stomach. I followed Scar through the house and watched her as she opened my mother's purse and pulled out a stack of money. Soon after, she grabbed keys.

"This is the last time you'll ever see her, Grace. I promise." my sister told me, and I believed her.

We made our way to the car that was parked in the driveway. We knew it wouldn't take us far so she booked us tickets for the soonest flight anywhere.

We arrived at the airport and I still wasn't sure where we were going but it didn't matter anyways. After a short while of waiting we boarded our plane. And eventually I fell asleep, no questions asked.



"We're not going back home are we?"

"What home?"

It was silent.

Scarlet's POV
After hours of flying, we finally landed and I still had absolutely no idea what we were going to do. We left the airport and started walking to nowhere in particular. I looked at a few signs around us. We're in San Diego.

"I'm hungry." Grace whined.

I reached inside my bag and pulled out all the money we had, $50.

"We only have $50 so think of something cheap."

She looked around and her eyes got wide.

"Let's get McDonalds!" She said as she pulled me towards the fast food restaurant.

Once we'd eaten and realized that it was getting late we went back outside. By then we only had $46, definitely not enough for a hotel. We walked around until we found a park. That's where we would stay until the morning.

I was explaining to Grace what we were going to do next when I heard a familiar voice. A voice that I knew once when I was younger.

"Dude, I don't know where it is."

I got up and started walking towards the new person. When they came into view it took me a while to realize who it was.



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