"I'm so sorry" i whispered. "more sorry then i could ever say".

She looked around, blinked a few times, and said "um.. Its okay. I feel fine. Perfect actually" i stood up and offered my hand to her to help her up. She took it slowly and hesitantly. I don't blame her.

"what was that" she asked.

"honestly, i don't know" i mumbled.

She looked me up and down and them exclaimed "your awake!"

"yeah, i am" i said, awkwardly. 

"well then i guess you too have some things to talk about so i should take my leave now" she  walked to the door.

"again, I'm really sorry" i grimanced.

"I'm fine, really"she afirmed.

"Cat, you get back into bed and Megan, can i speak with you outside" Jake spoke with such authority. It was so sexy. Megan nodded and left with Jake trailing on her heels. I got into the scratchy hospital bed and listened.

"Megan you cant tell anybody about this. You know what they will do!" Jake whispered. Wow, i could hear what they were saying. They were divided by a white cement wall and they were down the hall a bit and i could hear them as well as them talking beside me.

"i would never" Megan said back. Jake sighed in relief.

"you know we have a competition coming up? Next week, on Wednesday. Jake, you need to get in some training time. You haven't since she got here. You cannot leave yourself defenseless and me partner less" she warned. Partner? "i know. As soon as she falls asleep i will. I promise" Jake said. I assume when he said "she" he meant me. I didn't need a babysitter.

"okay. Well good luck" Megan said. I could hear her walk off to the left. Jake came back a few second later and looked at me with what? Empathy. Why? He walked over and sat beside me.

"are you ready?" he asked, looking helpless.

"Jake, I'm not as dainty as you seem to think" i replied. I could take it, no matter what. I hope. Jake looked at me, right in the eyes and i could see he was on the verge of tears.

I put my hand on his and pleaded "Jake, please tell me".

He sighed and said "suppose i have to". He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I was pleased when he didn't let go. "right now, we are actually in a school. Its called 'Carmen Elizabeth Night academy', Carmel is what everyone calls it though. i have no idea how that nickname came to be. It was after Miles's wife who died in the 1800's"

"but-" i started.

"i know" Jake interrupted, "let me explain without interruption. It will make sense soon. Anyways, Miles has a power. He cannot die. He is the principal almost of the school. This school isn't a normal one. Its designed to weed the week from the strong. If you have a power you are added to the army. No one knows what the army is for. Each of us have partners. Megan is actually my partner. Together we train. We are trained to survive and fight. Ever month we battle 5 other teams. To the death battle" he explained.

Battle. Death. Murder. "so.. You have killed people before?" i asked cautiously. Please say no. Please say no.

"yes". Damn it.

My friend, a murderer. Taking another persons life. Ending it. Somewhere there is a mother childless. A wife husband less. A child fatherless.

"There are different levels to get to. There are 50 levels. Megan and I are on level 33. To get in, you will be put into an arena with 30 other new comers. You will fight until 10 are left. Then you get a break to nurse your wounds, then battle until there are all of 5 people left." 5 people.. that means 25 must die. Wait, did he mean me?!

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