Chapter 59: Bish he's really back

Start from the beginning

"I've already realize that even before I entered. Who are you? Show yourself." Kris said in a stern tone.

"Well then, I'll play a little game with you. If you finish it, I'll release you and won't harm your friends. Specially, the Princess and the Prince. They live here, dont they? Play a little game with me."

"Don't you dare lay a single finger on them. I'll kill you." Kris threatened.

"Oh my~ How aggressive! You're not a nice person, aren't you? Fufufufu~ Now... will you play a little game with me, Guardian of the *Sky?"

"Alright. Be quick. I want to end this little game of yours quickly." Kris said.

"Alrighty~~ Firstly~~ you can call me Ankathi Vrochi*" he introduced himself. "I suppose you work for that b*stard Zehturg? How lucky to meet you." Kris stated. He simply rolled up his sleeves and flew up to wherever Ankathi Vrochi was hiding.

Surprised by Kris suddenly appearing in front of him, Vrochi unknowingly stepped back and fell off the tree he was hiding in. Kris snort and sneered at him. He jumped down and grabbed Vrochi by the collar and pushed him against the tree still grabbing his collar. "Hey, listen up, if you touch my brothers and HanNi, I'm going to break your neck and tear your limbs. I'll f**king disgrace you in front of your master and murder you. Do you get what I'm saying?" with anger filling up Kris, his tone of voice turned chilly and murderous that sends shivers to Vrochi's spine. Vrochi looked at Kris as if he's a big threat (he is) and cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

Ankathi Vrochi jerked away and escaped from Kris' grip and stumbled back falling on his bottom. In an instant, he quickly stood up, glaring at Kris with eyes that says revenge. He hissed and cursed, warning Kris that he'll be back "next time I see you, I'll kill you. And that's for sure, you bastard of a Guardian." and disappeared in to the thin air. With the fact that Vrochi is gone, Kris calmed down and heaved a big sigh of relief. He picked up his bags from where he hid it and stood in front of the door.

"I'm a 100% sure that everything is back to normal." he muttered before knocking on the door. Nervous as he is, his heart thumps as he waited for an answer. A minute later, he heard quiet footsteps coming towards the door. Hearing the door unlocked, Kris gipped his bag and was ready to see the people he's been dying to meet and missing to death. The door opened and he was excited, but, he's face had a blank and confusion written all over it. Who's this? The man who opened the door, who happened to be HanGyuk, stared at him intently, judging Kris from head to toe. Kris gulped and asked the person, "Excuse, me is this not Park Han Ni's house?".

"This is her house. Who are y--" he was suddenly cut off by the loud footsteps coming from the living room. There, SaeRyun peeked through between the door frame and the HanGyuk. SaeRyun's eyes shined and glimmer with happiness.

"FanFan!!!!" he ran up to him and tackled Kris with a hug. Kris was surprised that the little guy had missed him so much. He wanted to cry but he's too cool for that sht.

"Hey there, little man. You've grown quiet tall from the time I was away. I missed you so much." Kris hugged him back.

"Um, would you like to come inside... hyung? You're probably tired..." HanGyuk offered.

Kris took the offer and, for the first time since forever, he landed his shoes inside the house where he has multiple of precious memories. Putting his bag aside, HanGyuk kept his eyes glued to hin until Kris faked a cough.

"Where are they? The people who lives here, I mean." Asked Kris nervously.

But I live here too. HanGyuk thought. "The guys aren't back yet but my sister is in her room. She just arrived a little earlier. "

"Your sister?" Askrd Kris as he ruffles SaeRyun's hair.

"Yeah, my sister. Is something wrong? Hyung?"

Kris paused for a while and thought very carefully. He was pretty sure that the house he's in is Park HanNi's mansion, with the boys living with her. Then, his sister is....?

"Ah, yes, my sister is Park Han Ni." HanGyuk interrupted his thoughts.

Just when Kris was about to ask more, HanNi appeared out of nowhere, probably teleported, and was now standing by the door. The two of them was surprised.

"Gyukkie, we have a visitor? Who?" Asked HanNi as shr rubs her eyes clear.

Her eyes began to see clearer until she saw the man she's been missing all this time. Eyes started to get blurry as she bit her lower lip. "Oppa..." She ran up to him.

"Hey there, princess. How have you been?" Kris hugged her tight as HanNi sobbed on his shirt. "I'm sorry. I missed you."

"But I missed you more.... Wherr have you been? Why didn't you contact me? Why you so mean?" She slightly punched his chest.

HanGyuk watched the two reconcile on the side while wiping SaeRyun's runny nose, the result of crying. He smiled to see that the guardians are finally complete. All 12 of them. He knew that with all the members, the outcome would be perfect.

Until the day that sacrifice is a must.


Just to let you know, I was dying before updating this. Literally. Thanks to the people who waited [probably now lost interest on reading this thing]



*Ankathi Vrochi = Prickle Rain {greek}

*Min Ho = han's cousin

*Sky = because Kris is the flight/flying guardian, he is also know by the exorians as the person/god/guardian who rules the skies.

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