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Taking a deep breath Reid looked at JJ for reassurance and she smiled at him, her eyes widening as she gave him the thumbs up symbol.

Using everything in him he moved his left limb onto the platform instantly feeling himself wobble, grabbing onto the bars either side of him he tried again and again, each time getting better and better.

Every time he put weight on his prosthetic without stumbling he would look up at JJ A big smile on his face and her face would be glowing, tears in her eyes she hadn't seen him this happy and the two months he had been here and she was excited to think that maybe just maybe he might be able to walk again.

Weeks went by, every day Reid would be in that office walking until he physically couldn't move any more, JJ stopped coming to sessions and Reid just worked hard for it, he had that fast of hope and he was gonna fight for it, he was going to walk again, he was going to be able to pull her into a big hug and kiss her blonde hair and do all those things.

The nightmares hadn't gone away but he had learned to deal with them, every time he would wake up in a sweat he would pick that photo up and in a way it would calm down.

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