He Changed Every Thing

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JJ ran through the hospital, her feet making small thuds as she raced towards the emergency centre, Emily and Garcia right behind her.

"Where is he" JJ shouted when she saw Morgan pacing outside the emergency room.

"He's in surgery" Morgan practically shouted as he started to pace again, running a hand over his head.

"I need to see him" JJ said shoving the doors open and she practically ran to the desk, seeing her reflection in the mirror, she could see tears running down her face, her blue eyes were dampened.

"Spencer Reid" JJ said panting as he reached the nurse standing behind the counter "one second" JJ nodded feeling her heart rate increase "I'm sorry he's in surgery, you are just going to have to wait until he gets out."

She said with a sympathetic look and JJ shook her head "no, you don't understand I have to see him NOW" she shouted feeling tears drip down her face even more.

"I'm sor-" the nurse started but JJ cut her off "please" she pleaded, feeling a strong pair of arms wrap around her and pull her back "I'm sorry" he apologised and the nurse nodded "the other agent, he should be awake" she offered and JJ took of down the hall.

It didn't take her long to find Hotch's room and she entered immediately gasping, he was hooked up to all these wires and as soon as he noticed her his expression changed "I am so sorry JJ" he whispered looking at hew with sympathetic eyes.

"It's not you fault" she said softly taking a seat beside him, "he jumped in front of me" Hotch whispered his eyes glistening.

"He was always the one to be a hero" JJ said looking down her hand squeezing the locket, her eyes squeezing shut when she saw the ring settled on her finger.

"It's ironic isn't it" she said in a small voice and Hotch looked at her "what's ironic" he said with a little moan.

"This all started because of a car crash, the only reason I am with Reid is because of that crash, and I know it's sick but in a way I am thankful because how knows where I would be right now if it wasn't for him. And now here I am hoping to see his face again and it's all because of a car crash it's kinda like a life cycle when you think about, he just keeps leaving, when will he ever be able to stay" JJ said choking on her own words as she looked out the window at the night sky, remembering all the times they had looked up at the sky together and pretended it was just the two of them alone in this big world, and know it might only be her left.

"He changed everything" she whispered and Hotch sighed "he really did" JJ wiped away some of the tears "he's gonna be ok, I promise JJ he won't leave you" Hotch said but even he doubted his words.

He could remember seeing Reid's crumpled body figure, blood coming from all sides of his face and his unresponsive motives.

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