Its Impossible

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Sorry I changed it, but I didn't know how to continue on ahh sorry

~1 Year After Reid's Funeral~

The sky was dull, dark almost as JJ walked down the street, rain drops hit the pavement and the blonde, dampening her hair and making her clothes stick to her skin.

But she couldn't go inside, she had made a promise to him and she wasn't taking that back, as she made her way to her destination, she pulled a red rose out of her pocket and made her way to Reid's grave.

She stopped when she reached the front of his grave, bending down she ran her fingers across the engraving feeling tears prick at her eyes she placed the Rose down in front it, watching as water ran down the rose.

She had tried so hard to forget, move on but she couldn't, everywhere she looked reminded her of him, being a cop meant she could mask her feelings, and no one really bothered to talk about him, everyone just sought about the work in hope that it would distract them from there loss.

Will had questioned her about, but she would smile and change the subject, but whenever she thought about him her heart would start beating so hard, she felt as if her rib cage would burst.

She was interrupted from her thoughts when her phone vibrated, fishing it out her pocket she saw it was message from Hotch telling her they had a case.

Sighing she put her phone back in her pocket and made her way to her team, she still didn't know why it still hurt so much and it was something she couldn't understand.

"Someone looks a bit down" Prentiss said when she noticed JJ, whose clothes still clung to her body, it was a time like this she was glad she walked in the rain so no one could see she had been crying.

Flashing a smile, she looked at Prentiss "car broke down" she lied through gritted teeth, "here" Prentiss handed her a coffee which warmed JJ's hands.

Taking a seat in the conference room, JJ sipped her coffee letting it warm her insides, she watched as Hotch walked up to the board and she felt a stab of annoyance, she was usually the one who picked cases, but Hotch offered to do it for her, while she spent some days with Henry.

"Boston police have requested our help with a case after two victims showed up three days apart" Hotch paused "Meet Jason Frank and Liam Casafero, both were found murdered in there homes by there wives" Hotch said as he placed two photos on the board.

"How did they die" Morgan asked as he lent forward, "gunshot" Hotch said taking a seat "how do we know they are connected" Rossi asked, "from what it looks like there murders were miles apart" Prentiss said, "That's what they thought to, until they found a marking, on each victims hand" Hotch said, "what was the marking of?" Rossi asked while JJ just sat in her chair taking in information.

"It was the word, Braisen" Hotch said and then he checked his phone, his face curled up in frustration before he looked up at the team "wheels up in thirty."

JJ watched as her team gathered up the things, and went off to say there goodbyes. JJ just sent a text to Will not really in the mood to talk, her head was just clouded with images of Spencer.

"So you wanna tell me you actually were, this morning" a voice called out to JJ as she sat on the plane, pretending to be interested with the case file.

"I already told you" JJ sighed, realising it was Prentiss who was seated next to her, "JJ" she said sternly and JJ faced her friend "it doesn't matter" she said her tone clipped.

"It does, if it made you cry" JJ looked at her and without realising it tears began to make there way down her cheeks, Preniss looked at her concerned and JJ wiped the tears away.

"I went to see Reid ok" she muttered and Prentiss sighed, she put a hand on JJ's shoulder comforting her and JJ nodded burying her face back in the case she felt her heart start pounding again.

"You can talk about it if you want" Prentiss offered and JJ shook her head "No thanks" and Prentiss sighed "I miss him to" her words were barely audible and JJ nodded trying to squeeze her eyes shut to keep the tears from flowing.

The name Spencer Reid was like forbidden fruit, and no one dared to ever touch the topic, even when they were dealing with his no where leading case no one was ready to admit he was the victim.

Turning her head away from Prentiss, JJ let herself get absorbed in the friendly argument going on between Morgan and Garcia.

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