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Jennifer Jareau stood inside her kitchen, pouring herself an apple juice while Henry sat at the table eating some Cheerios.

"Ok come on buddy, eat up Hotch will be here to pick you up for soccer practice" JJ said as she gave him a small grin, and he nodded his eyes bright.

Walking around she planted a kiss on Henry's blonde head before taking a seat on the couch.

She was grateful that Hotch had offered to take Jack and Henry to a soccer club that went on every Saturday morning were the two energetic boys could spend a few hours letting some energy out.

She heard a knock on the door, and Henry rushed to it and swung it open "hey buddy" Hotch said greeting Henry.

Henry ran over to JJ gave her a kiss on the cheek "love you" she said and he smiled, "thank you" she mouthed to Hotch who gave her a thumbs up.


JJ's feet made soft thuds as they landed on the path, the fresh air was like heaven to her nostrils as she jogged through the park.

After Henry had left JJ decided she needed a change of scenery so she had gone out for a run and so far it was the most relaxing thing she had done all week.

Taking a sip from her water JJ let out a sigh, and wiped the beads of sweat forming on her forehead away.

She heard the sound of footsteps approaching and she felt someone's hand on her shoulder "hey" Prentiss Called, doubling over as she tried to refill her lungs.

"Hey" JJ said taking another sip, "can I?" Prentiss asked and JJ handed her the water bottle, which the brunette drunk from greedily.

"Didn't expect to see you here" she commented handing the water back "Hotch took Henry for a while" Prenitss nodded.

"Heard anything yet" she said standing up and pushing loose strands behind her ear.

"Not since you asked me yesterday" JJ said her eyes darkening at the thought of him.

"Well Garcia want to have a girls night this Wednesday you in?" Prentiss said and JJ nodded "I'll get Hotch to take Henry" Emily nodded "see you at work" she said as she stared to jog again, leaving the blonde behind.


By the time JJ got home it was dark out, the moon lit up the sky and she was grateful that Hotch had offered to take Henry for the night.

As soon as she stepped foot inside her apartment she collapsed onto the couch shutting her eyes.

She didn't know how long she must have slept for but when she head pounding at the door she rose to her feet, checking her watch she let out a groan "what do you want at 2 in the morning" she groaned as she walked to the door.

She swung it open the cool breeze hitting her face, she felt her heart stop.

"Spence" she whispered as she saw the figure standing in front of her, bruises spread across his face, a cut ran from his forehead to his chin and dry blood stains were spread across him.

"I'm so sorry" he said his brown eyes meeting hers.

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