Happily Ever After

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The cool breeze picked up as Reid and JJ posed for photos, wether it was with each other, Henry or there groomsmen/bridesmaids.

They had managed to get caters and the reception hosted at the same location so people could look over at the ocean.

There was a slow music playing out over the speakers, and as the final set of photos finished up JJ and Reid walked hand in hand to were all there friends stood gathered, drinking there cockatiels under the moonlight.

"Well if it isn't Mr and Mrs Reid" Morgan said raising his glass and the whole team copied, letting out little shouts as they did. Reid grinned and wrapped his arm around her waist holding her close, JJ smiled pushing a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"Well aren't you two just adorable" Rossi said with a grin as everyone laughed, "oh it's almost Morgan time" Morgan said with a laugh and JJ raised an eyebrow "Morgan wanted to the pick the song for our dance" he explained and Morgan laughed patting him on the shoulder.

There was a clearing of the crowd as Rossi stepped up to the microphone, he was standing in the middle of a rug that had been laid on the beach for that exact purpose the view of the ocean was clear making it to much better.

Rossi said a few words before turning to face the couple who stood hand in hand "now for the bride and grooms first dance as husband and wife" he announced stepping off the stage, as the music played out.

JJ immediately recognised the song as she rested her head on Spencer's shoulder her hand clasped with his as they waltzed to the music both feeling like they were the only two in the world.

As the song played out Reid looked at her with a gigantic smile, his eyes sparkling as the lyrics to the song mirror played out. It didn't take long for the rest of the couples to join the floor, Hotch and Emily appeared in the corner of JJ's eyes both of them smiling as they looked into each other's eyes, while Morgan and Garcia was on the other side of the floor laughing as they held each other.

Rossi was dancing with some random stranger, his mouth curled upwards as he twirled her but the cutest couple of all was Jack and Henry they were trying to mimic the actions of all the dancers, Jack playing the guy and Henry being the girl.

JJ watched as the held hands and attempted to follow the movements eventually they both gave up and collapsed into a field of giggles.

JJ danced with Reid until the song ended and she whispered into his ear "come on let's get out of here" she said taking his hands as she pulled him away from the crowd.

JJ and Reid climbed up the rocky pile of rocks until they reached a cliff type thing with a ledge that hung over the ocean, hand in hand they walked towards the ledge both of them letting there legs hang over the edge the water just below them.

"It's beautiful" JJ whispered looking at the stars that towered above them in large masses, each one twinkling, "Were not going to end up like you and Will right" Reid said in a quiet voice and JJ squeezed his hand "no, because I won't let that happen" she said with a reassuring squeeze if the hand as she rested her head on his shoulder, her blonde hair flowing in the breeze.

There was a large pop and they both turned there heads to see a firecracker bursting into thy sky the exploding into the shape of a love heart.

Spencer leaned forward and kissed her lips, gently but it still had that spark of chemistry "I love you" he whispered into her ear and she looked at him "I love you to".

They sat together for a few more moments just enjoying spending time with each other "there's one more thing" JJ said in a soft voice as she lifted her head of his shoulder, he turned to look at her "what" he said his face still glowing, JJ held her hand to her stomach and Reid's eyes widened "no" he said his eyes widening, JJ nodded her head and Spencer's face looked speechless, then his lips turned up into a smile "I'm going to be a Father" he whispered softly and JJ nodded "You, me, Henry and this little guy are going to be a family."

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