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Spencer Reid, pressed his foot to the break pedal feeling the car slide across the road until it came to a complete stop.

His heart was pumping so fast in his chest he felt like his rib cage would collapse and all he could see was he petrified face, he had to find her, there was no but, no if, but there was a had.

He practically jumped out of the car, his face getting smacked by the cool breeze, reaching for his gun he held it firmly in his hands before he started approaching the gigantic warehouse that stood at the back of the empty lot.

He had been tempted to wait for backup, but minutes were crucial if he was a second to late no, no he couldn't bare to think about losing her.

As soon as the thought of her was bought into his head, his hands had began shaking uncontrollably he could feel the gun slipping between his fingertips, but he held it there he was not letting it go.

With shaking his hands he began to ran towards the building, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he ran, it was creepy just the way this warehouse loomed over nothing was enough to scare anyone off.

As he got closer, and closer to the door he could hear sirens and he felt the urge to stop until he heard a scream, a scream that rattled his entire body, and then he shoved the door open and ran inside.

It was in that moment he knew she was still breathing, she was still alive and he had to find her he just had to.

His feet echoed on the cool concrete as he made his way in, he was moving slowly so he couldn't attract attention but there was no use the floor was empty.

He felt like an idiot, perhaps her scream was just in head, because he wanted her to be here but everyone, even geniuses are wrong sometimes.

But then he heard it again, and it sent his blood pumping from the desperation that could be heard "I'm coming" he yelled, when he heard footsteps he instantly raised his gun in defence but lowered it when he saw Hotch, Morgan, Prentiss and Rossi standing there with there guns raised.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and they all followed him to where the very faint sound of dogs barking could be heard.

"Come on she's down here" Reid whispered and they all stood around the little doors marked into the floor, "on the count of three" Hotch said "one" everyone got ready, "two" everyone prepared to lift "three" and then it was up in the air, and the team all lowered themselves into the room, the only problem being they couldn't see.

"FBI, FREEZE" Hotch shouted as he moved towards the noise, there was the sound of more screaming and then there were gunshots.

The teams vision began to clear, and then there where the sound of footsteps running and Hotch, Morgan and Prentiss took off after him.

Reid however moved toward the sound of whimpers, Rossi right behind him.

He could hear claws being scraped into the grounds and when he heard another scream he broke into a run, and that's when his heart broke into a million pieces.

He could see her clearly now, her arms holding her off the ground, her body was shaking with fear and tears streamed from her eyes.

"Easy" Reid cooed as he neared the dogs attacking the woman he loves, he could get a muffle and he knew she knew he was there, but as the dogs looked at him with a look that could kill, and then they started charging towards her again, Reid raised his gun and shot them straight in the head, hearing there bodies drop to the floor.

He rushed over to her, and he lifted her off the hook that was holding her up, her body shook violently against his body as he held her there tight, she pushed her face into his neck and he could feel the tears, and how extremely terrified she was.

"Shh" he whispered holding her even closer, he could feel tears start to brim at the edges of his eyes, she had always been the strong one and now she was broken, terrified and she was still shaking her body was trembling with fear.

"I got you JJ, I got you alright I ain't ever gonna let you go again" Reid whispered and she lifted her head so her clouded, and broken blue eyes met his brown ones "promise" she whispered feeling even more tears fall, he nodded limply and she started crying again her whole body was terrorised she couldn't move, everywhere she looked she could see dogs charging at her.

lindsayk2503 for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ ssa_jeid hope u liked ❤️❤️

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