Or Not

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Thomas The Train was playing on the TV as Henry sat in Reid's lap, the boy hadn't left his side since he returned back from the hospital, JJ even caught him crawling into bed with them last night.

It was the early hours of a Saturday morning and Henry had gotten up extra early so him and Spencet could have bonding time before he went to his first real soccer game with Jack.

Spencer had done all his face paint, half of his face was red and the half blue while he had a white nose, JJ was supposed to do it but Reid made it spotless not a single smudge was out of place.

Henry had also taking quiet a liking to Reid's new leg, he claimed that Spencer was some sort of transformer and that's what all his friends knew Reid as, a transformer.

Hotch tapped at the door and Henry raced to his feet, rushing towards the door. Jack stood on the other side with Hotch's hands on his shoulders.

Both of the Hotchners were in red jerseys and had the exact same face paint as Henry only there's was messier.

"I'll have him home by four" Hotch said with a smile as both of the boys walked back to the car Hotch leading them.

"Finally" JJ said shutting the door, as much as she loved her son Henry had been very included in everything they did together almost as if he was being protective of the doctor.

"It's so quiet" JJ said as she laid down on the couch her head resting on Reid's lap, "so tomorrow I was going to for a run before work, so I'll meet you there" JJ said holding her phone above her face.

"I'll come for a run to" Spencer said his fingers playing with her blonde hair, "since when do you run" JJ asked lowering her phone to her chest and raising her eyebrow.

"Since I got a running leg" he said with a little wink and she laughed, she laughed a few more times before rolling over so her body faced the TV.

"No but seriously Reid, you don't run and I run around 20 miles, you don't have to come" JJ said softly as she traced her fingers on the couch fabric.

"I'll be fine" he spoke slowly almost as if he was trying to reassure himself "I'll be fine" he said and JJ chuckled feeling his fingers gently teasing out all the knots in a gently way.

"So how long until your coming back to work" JJ asked as she started tracing the infinite symbol "when I'm ready" he said softly and JJ nodded knowing that even though he seemed find he was still incredibly jumpy and the nightmares hadn't gone away as much as he wished they had they were still there.

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