The Chase

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"He's gone" was all that filled JJ's ears as she sat there completely speechless staring into a world of nothing, she felt like she might fall just fall to the ground and then wake up and it would all be some dream, but it wasn't no matter how many times she squeezed her eyes shut whenever she opened them she would be greeted with the horror of everyone's faces looking at her.

"I think I need to sit down" she murmured as she plopped down onto the seat, the seat where she told Garcia how she felt, the seat where three words changed her life and now as she sat back down in this chair, she felt as if her life would change again, only this time for the bad.

She felt her head get heavy and she leant back in the chair, trying to, hoping that it was dream because she couldn't stand losing him again, not after everything. She still didn't know what happened to him while he was gone, and she needed to find out, she wanted to know his secrets she wanted to know everything about him, all his secrets all his troubles and she couldn't do that, without him being here.

Standing up off the chair, JJ attempted to clear her head, but she failed miserably. Pulling a loose strand of her blonde hair back JJ looked at her team, "I'm fine guys" she lied through her teeth as she forced a smile "I just want to bring him home" and then she pushed past them and headed towards the board where his photo was posted.

She felt her stomach churn at the sight of his smiling face, his eyes twinkling and his skin glowing, her right hand found its way to the locket and squeezed it, as she bit down on her bottom lip.

She felt a hand slip on her shoulder, and she gave a weak smile when she realised it was Prentiss, but her heart had hoped it was Spencer he had always found a way to cheer her up.

And now he wasn't here, to cheer up with that smile of his or a random fact that he would spit out whenever he felt embarrassed or awkward, or when he would tell a joke that was so bad it was funny.

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