Can I Ask You Something

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JJ sat at her desk her finger flying along the keyboard as she filled in words.

Her eyes kept darting up to Reid who was having a laugh with Morgan as he sipped his coffee, she couldn't help but smile he had grown a lot, from the person who wouldn't come out of his shell he was a lot more confident with himself now and it made her smile to think she may have helped with that.

He caught her gaze and grinned, making her heart thump as she turned her head back to the screen.

He walked over in a few minutes and JJ could see the blush on his cheeks, he kept darting his eyes to Morgan who gave him a thumbs up.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" He stuttered and she smiled "nothing" she said with a small smile, feeling her heart thump faster in her chest.

"Do you want to maybe go on a date" he said his voice incredibly face and his words jumbled, as he turned his head away his cheeks going even pinker.

JJ felt like she could explode with happiness at that exact moment but she kept her cool, "sure" she said flashing him a smile, and Reid jumped and high fived Morgan his mouth in a wide smile.

"I'll pick you up at eight" he said, as he jumped around his face glowing, JJ shook her head and tried to keep the smile from forming.

She turned her head to see Prentiss staring at her with a grin on her face, "what" JJ said pushing a loose strand behind her ear "you two are so cute together" Emily said with a smile and JJ laughed.


Spencer Reid felt his heart race in his chest as he rung the doorbell to JJ's apartment.

He had gelled his hair back and washed his face over and over again so not a speck of dirt could be found.

He was in a black tuxedo, with a white buttoned up a shirt that was tucked into his pants.

He repositioned the black bow tie, and took a deep breath tucking his hands in the velvety pockets.

He had never done something like this before, he had never ever gotten this close to someone on his life, he had never trusted someone as much as he trusted her and the ring tucked away in his pocket reminded him of that.

He heard the door click open and he pulled the Rose out of his pocket and held it in front of him, light greeted him and he looked up feeling his jaw drop open.

JJ's hair hung loose over her shoulder and she stood in light blue strapless dress that was cut off a few inches from her knees, her blue eyes sparkled with the black eye line that surrounded them and her lips had been glossed making them shine under the moonlight.

"Hey" she said softly a smile lighting up her beautiful face, as she took the Rose out of his hand.

"You look beautiful" Reid said feeling his nerves wash away.

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