Its Time

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JJ and the team stood surrounding Reid's bed, it was time, time to the pull the plug and end his life, a life he deserved to live.

Morgan's right was draped gently over her shoulder, while his free hand held Garcia's, Hotch and Emily stood on the other side of the room, both there faces unreadable.

They hadn't wanted to come, none of them had but they owed it to him, Reid wouldn't have wanted to die alone, everyone knew that so they best thing they could do was be there for him.

The beeping of the heart monitor, had became a daily sound to JJ, it bought her that small bundle of hope telling her that he was still breathing, but it wouldn't be there much longer, soon it would be gone and the room would go silent.

A nurse walked in, her facial expression changing when she saw all those people crammed into one room for that one guy, the one guy whose life changed all of theres.

"It time" she said quietly and JJ found herself clinging onto Morgan's arm getting ready to burst into tears.

The nurse walked over to the machine, and gave them a pitiful look her eyes telling them how sorry she was.

"Ok, so I'm going onto plug this, and the beeps will start to stop and then will be a few long ones then." she didn't need to say what happened next, the whole time just nodded limply, tears collecting in each and every one of there eyes.

She shut her eyes, and blocked all the other noise out, only listening to the rhythm of the beeps.

She heard the machine being turned off, and she prepared herself for the beeping to stop her nails digging into Morgan's wrist.

She waited and waited for the room to go quiet, but it didn't the beeping kept on going, JJ waited a few minutes before she gently lifted her eyelids her heart soaring when she saw that the heart machine was still beeping, he was still alive.

"Well I will be damned" the nurse commented and JJ looked at her before she rushed over to his side, her face only inches away from his as she gently pushed a loose hair strand of his forehead.

Then like her eyes just saw a unicorn, she was met with his warm brown eyes, and they were like puddles of confusion.

"Spence" she whispered pressing her forehead against his, and then he smiled, it was weak but everyone saw it, he was smiling.

"I won't ever leave you" he croaked, and then his eyes shut again, almost as if he was out of energy, but he was still there, and he would be when he opened his eyes again.

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