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"Stop, I would never leave her" Reid shouted as he sat up in his bed, his eyes opening being greeted by the darkness, he wiped his forehead getting rid of all the sweat beads that had formed there before he took a breath trying to calm himself down.

He had the exact same dream every night, he would be strapped to a chair his hands bound as the stranger hit him and hit him constantly until was blood drawn, and he would be yelling at him for leaving her to fend on her own and then he would wake up in a pool of his own sweat.

He tried to relax back in the pillows but he couldn't, images of JJ's tear stained face filling his mind, he felt a sharp pain in his 'foot' but there was nothing there and he would try to steady his breathing because as soon as he thought of his gone foot his pulse would increase and it caused him to start panting and then he would get incredibly hot.

Reaching over he picked up the iPod Garcia had dropped off so he could listen to some songs of he couldn't sleep, slipping the buds into his ears he clicked shuffle and just let the music try soothe him, it didn't.

By the time morning came he had spent four hours staring at the white ceiling listening as music played in his ear, but sleep hadn't been an option.

After hearing the same song for what felt like the hundredth time he paused the music and placed the electronic on the table and sat up, doing his best to keep the pain to minimum.

A nurse soon walked up a chart on her hand, "Mr Reid?" She questioned and he nodded "tomorrow Doctor Shanelis would like to fit you for a prosthetic and then he wants to try get you walking in it next week?" She said with a friendly smile and Reid nodded feeling his heart rate pump up.

He had refused to look at the stump that was now his foot, he was to afraid to what it would do with him, it could mess with his brain even more and he wasn't ready for that.

The smell of coffee filled the room as Morgan walked in, holding two cups of coffee he placed one beside Reid he thanked him and then he took a seat.

"Its been tough without you" he admitted taking a sip "no one has that genius brain of yours" he said with a smile and Reid nodded weakly and Morgan reached into his pocket and had Reid a crumpled piece of paper.

"What is it?" Reid asked and Morgan smiled "open it" and Reid used his thumb to gently pry it open he felt a smile appear on his face, it was a photo of him, JJ and Henry and if you didn't know the whole situation you would think it was a family portrait, well in a way it kinda was.

"Keep it" Morgan said as Reid went of give it back "its to remind you to never leave them, because JJ bought Henry into work this morning and he didn't shut up about you."

@criminal_jeid for you

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