Make Ups

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It felt like a slow motion film as JJ stepped out of the black police car, followed by the rest of the team. She was in a white buttoned down shirt and it had been tucked into her black jeans with her FBI vest standing out.

Her heart was thumping against her chest, she can remember Morgan's face falling when he answered the phone, Reids warm brown eyes on her only moments earlier.

Whenever something was wrong he was always smack, bang in the middle of it.

Swarms of people surrounded the barriers that the police had put up, and JJ could hear the fast chatter of the reporters and she felt some relief knowing today they weren't her problem.

Walking over she pushed her way through the crowd before ducking beneath the railing, pushing blonde strands behind her ear.

"Special Agent Jareau" she held out her hand to the lead hostage detective and he shook it firmly giving her a grim smile as he noticed the rest of the team that had slowly come up behind the blonde, even Garcia had shown up her hand placed firmly in Morgan's as she looked up at the building with those pitiful eyes.

"Do we have any way of connecting with him/her ?" Hotch asked stepping in front of JJ, also shaking the cops hand.

"No, he's cut of all signals of communication, shut the blinds and security cameras, I have snipers all around waiting for a shot."

As soon as he said that JJ noticed the silver glint coming from the snipers that surrounded the building, "how about drilling in?" Prentiss piped up and he shook his head "walls are to thick" JJ sighed and shuffled her feet on the ground, it was like every single time they couldn't help him.

She wanted to be mad at me, so mad at him but it was so hard when it physically hurt to know he was in danger and she might never get to see his face again, his warm eyes and that smile that could melt away her pain.

The detectives phone buzzed, and he looked down at it, before offering a smile "I'm going to have to ask you to wait over there" he said apologetically before running to the giant blue police van and disappearing inside.


JJ didn't know how long they had been sitting there, under the shady little roof area blocked off from the public, the whole team was nervous no one had told them anything but they had seen cops running all over the place, reporters were doing everything to get some gossip and JJ just sat there on the cold ground her legs crossed.

She instantly jumped to her feet when she heard gunshots ring out, and they were coming from inside the building, her hand found its way to her chest giving that locket a tight squeeze unable to stop her heart from racing against her chest.

Crossing her fingers behind her back, JJ whispered "please don't be him" at least twelve times.

It had to be the person that affected her the most, she never had realised how much her body wanted him, needed him.

After another hour, of more gunshots from the inside and nothing from outside JJ was getting fed up and it was getting darker and darker, making the even larger crowd stand out more.

After hearing the eighth shot, JJ ducked under the barrier and began storming towards the blue van that the damn detective hadn't walked out of.

If it wasn't the police senses she had developed she would have missed the bullet whizzing straight for her head, ducking JJ watched as it flew over her head and felt her heart race even more.

She could hear the window shatter, and it wasn't long until the sound of cops footsteps echoing around her, people shouting that she felt herself zone out almost as if this was a dream and no one could what desperate screams.

She watched as paramedics rushed in carrying stretchers, and victims were transported out, she checked every gurney every victim desperate to escape the bank they would never ever return to, but there was no Reid no matter where she looked and she felt light headed.

The team came up behind her and Morgan placed his free hand on her shoulder, and she felt the tears come up but she forced them down, today she wouldn't cry.

She could hear the cameras clicking and she felt herself become smaller and smaller until twelve cops emerged a figure walking in between them.

Something inside of JJ snapped as she saw his healthy body walk closer and closer, she broke into a run not caring anymore, he was safe.

As soon as she was within arms reach she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him into a kiss, it wasn't like the one she would have with Will, no this was something more, it was pure love.

And as she squeezed him tighter, bringing him even closer to her body, feeling the warmth of him prickle her skin.

She didn't care if anyone saw, she didn't care if he hated her she needed him, she was in love with him.

geekygubler ssa_jeid for you guys ❤️

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