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JJ stood staring at the masses of people all dressed in these completely random outfits, her blue eyes scanning for a way out, but sadly every exit was filled with sci fi geeks.

She turned to see her boyfriend, his taller figure looming over her as he had a smile, so big it made her heart jump even though she didn't want to be here, being here with him made it so much better.

"Cmon" he said grabbing who hand, from underneath his thick costume and pulling her towards the entrance.

She was tempted to hold her ground, she knew she would overpower him but that seeing his happy face made her want to go with him.

Following behind him, they went into a giant booth and she gripped his hand tighter as her cop instincts kicked in, 'freaks' were everywhere cramming next to her, in other words this place was packed.

But there was one good thing, no one she knew would be here, so she was safe.

Deciding to relax for a while, who knows she may have a good time she put a smile on her face and walked faster until she was side by side with her boyfriend.


"It'll be fun JJ, he said. You'll have a blast he said" JJ muttered under her breath as he wiped the green goop off her face, and arms and legs basically her entire body.

"I'm sorry" Reid responded as he attempted to wrap an arm around his girlfriend only to fail miserably.

"Get off" she grunted moving away and Reid let out a small chuckle "you have to admit it was pretty fun thought" he said a little smile on his green face, JJ shot him a glare.

"Guys what are you doing here" a perky voice called out and JJ buried her head in her slime covered knees.

"Garcia" Reid said standing up and shaking her hand, JJ remained her hidden and she felt more annoyance creep up her neck when she heard laughter, and she would recognise that laugh anywhere.

"Kid, what have you been up to" Morgan laughed slinging an arm around Garcia's shoulder, his eyes darted to the very angry blonde huddling on the stairs.

Why did today have to be the day, that two of her co workers and best friends were here to see her covered in green goop, she was never going to live this one day.


The car ride home was silent, JJ looked out the window of the car and Reid remained silent, glancing at her every few seconds.

The sky had darkened and the slime clung to JJ's body, her blonde hair going green and sticking to her face.

Reid pulled up outside her apartment and it was today she was grateful that Hotch had taken Henry and Jack to a soccer game.

Sliding out of the car, JJ looked up at Reid who stared at the window clearly upset "are you coming" she offered ignoring the gross feeling of the slime that clung to her body.

"I shouldn't" he said with a soft voice, "I'm not mad Spence" she said and she smiled, and he slid out of the car locking it as he went.

JJ went up to his side and grabbed his arm, her anger fading away.

"I love you, you know that."

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