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JJ felt like she was floating, as she laid still on the dirt beneath her, her vision was blurred but she was honestly stiff she didn't know where she was, or she knew was that her arm stung and she could smell fumes mixed with smoke.

Her head hurt, and sitting herself up using her good arm, she was greeted with a building that was covered flames, cop cars were tipped over, and cops were everywhere wether it be standing or lying.

She could hear a little buzz in the back of her ear, and the sound of people shouting but it all seemed so far away, and she felt herself getting further and further away from the universe.

The sky was pitch black the only light visible was the flames, and sirens, she put her hand up to her head and as she removed it she saw Blood mixed with dust and sweat staining her hand.

Wiping her hand on her best she attempted to stand up, only to fail miserably she could hear someone shouting her name and through the blur of her vision she saw a figure running towards her.

"JJ" the voice yelled, and she couldn't place the owner but she felt two strong hands grasp her sides and hold her up.

"Here drink this" the voice said as they held a bottle of water to her lips. She drank it, feeling the cool liquid make its way down her throat.

Her vision began to clear, and she could see it clearly now, the building that had been intact moments earlier was gone, all that was left cement pieces and piles of bricks.

Her eyes saw Morgan, Rossi and Prentiss standing in the distance, doing nothing they all just looked at the ground, then it hit her.

She remembered Reid being in that building, his last words to her. All the pain in her body stopped, probably from the adrenaline that just started pumping through her body, as she rocketed out of Hotch's grasp and straight for the burning building.

Her heart was racing and she felt tears start running down her cheeks, as it was like her life flashed before her eyes, she everywhere she looked she could see him lying there dead, but he wasn't there he was in that building.

Just as she was about to cross the barrier that had been strung up, she felt another pair of arms grab her from behind the waist and they held her close preventing her from running.

"Let me go, I have to find him" she shouted as she struggled against Morgan's grip, she felt another hand land on her shoulder and she saw Prentiss's tear stained face, "JJ, he couldn't have survived that" she whispered softly and JJ just struggled more, refusing to believe it, he had to be alive, she needed him.

"Morgan Please" she pleaded against his grip, but he was overpowering him and she knew it.

"Let her go" a voice called out, and Hotch walked up, sweat and dust beading down his forehead, "we should go" Hotch said, and it was impossible to not see the hurt in his eyes.

As soon as Morgan's grip was released, JJ raced forward ignoring the heat that pulsed onto her body, she ran into the remains of the building.

She stepped around the giant boulders, and felt herself freeze when she saw a leg of someone, taking a deep breathe JJ let out a sigh of relief when she saw t wasn't him, but she was tempted to shoot the person who put him in this situation.

She could hear the team shuffling around her, and when she heard a cough coming from a large pile of rubble, she raced over yelling "here, here."

She kneeled beside the cement pieces, and attempted lifting them, after what felt like hours of pulling, she removed one Rock, and HIS face came into view, it was bruised, cuts oozing with blood and a layer of dust caked his fast.

His breathing was heavy as he looked like he was struggling to breathe, He started trying to talk but JJ held her finger to her lips, she wasn't going to let him die, he can tell her all these things when he siting up with a smile on his face.

He let out a another little cough, and JJ felt herself freeze when she noticed the blood that filled the insides of his mouth.

"Say it, JJ please I'm dying" he choked on his blood as he looked at her his eyes pleading with her "no Spence your not dying" JJ pleaded "please" he whispered, and JJ shook her head "no Spencer, we have all the time in the world" she said as she pushed a tear that was rolling from is cheek away with her thumb.

But as his eyes began to roll back, she blurted it out "I love you Spencer" she shouted, and she noticed how shallow his breaths had became.

He went to say something but his head tipped to the side "Spence, no" she pleaded and then she felt hands yank her backwards and then she watched as medics surrounded him.

She collapsed into Prentiss's arms, and she held her tight burying her head in her shoulder tears running from his eyes at an unbreakable speed.

"I love him"she whispered into Prentiss's shoulder.

geekygubler ssa_jeid Jeid_3 Ashleighpelham dyspathy Thanks for all your comments and likes, they all mean the world to me, I always look forward to reading them :), and I hope you guys liked the chapter. It's not the end of the story I promise.

Love all my readers :)

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